17: Buyer of Chains

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He nodded slowly, and wrote a small magic circle in the air, showing a silver badge to a guard who immediately perked up, and then relaxed at the sight of the license. He slowly placed the circle over the black flame, where it stayed, and looked at Lady Maria. "If you'd like to add your own healing spell? Mine are more geared towards monsters, but there are human slaves here as well."

She sighed, and shook her head. "That's a bad idea. Healing them will just make them more expensive, and also it will prompt the more lascivious of these buyers to buy more, if you make the weak ones suddenly brimming with vitality."

I looked at her slowly. "I intend to buy them all. Today."

She blinked in shock, and then nodded slowly, casting a magical circle over her hand that pulsed gold, hesitantly placing it over Jerrod's Purple one.

"Good. Now go halt all the auctions, and tell them all that you've got a buyer who is willing to buy every single one of their stock, and has the money to do so." I nodded, and they darted off together, sprinting like the wind.

I held on to the spell, understanding Maria's point; if I healed them all before the auction was finalized, I was only making it harder on these people, and harder to buy them.

After a moment, I sensed the spells starting to try to fade, so I pushed both spells into the flame in my hand, and then crushed them in my Fist, absorbing them and essentially 'eating' the spell, as a Sphinx that could gain the powers of the things or people that I bit or ate.

Transferable Legendary Healing Effect (temporary) Learned!
Magic Circle Inscription Learned!
Healing Magic Learned!
Class: White Mage Gained!
Holy Affinity, (4th Form) Gained!
Demonic Affinity, (1st Form) Gained!>
Holy Affinity, Demon Affinity, and Ur can Merge to create the Aura of the Silver Titan? Y/N?>

'Sure.' I shrugged.


The two young ones returned, with a small crowd of owners behind them. They saw me with no magic in my hand and visibly relaxed, before leading me into a large meeting room full of couches, lounges, and a few stray hookah. "Master, these people are the owners of all the Slave Markets Caravans. As far as we can tell, 96% of the slaves in this quarter are their companies' property." Jerrod explained calmly, as I sat on the biggest couch, facing the group imperiously.

"Good. I'm buying all your slaves. All of them. I have for trade Spirit Elixirs, a single one of which is worth in excess of 750,000 gold, due to the advent of two Hero's, and two Demon Kings, which means countries will soon be buying up your stock of Elixirs like water, paying full price and emptying their treasuries to do so. As such, it is right now a buyers' market. Now, can we do business, or are you unable to handle moneys of that magnitude? I have several normal Elixirs as well, each appraised as worth 50-175,000 gold pieces, if you'd prefer smaller amounts in greater quantity." I stayed as professional as I could, thinking of this as a business transaction as hard as possible so I didn't Murder these men.

They gasped and talked amongst themselves about the Two Demon Kings and two Heroes, and I nodded. "Ah? Right, that wasn't public knowledge. Well, you know now, and you have control over that information; if you wish to spread it to raise the price of your Elixirs when you resell them, or keep quiet and hoard them for yourselves, it's none of my business. Now, can we do business?" I asked sternly.

One of them stepped forward, shaking his head. "I deal only in gold and silver, not trade."

"I have some of that, as well, about 500,000 gold pieces." I shrugged.

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