The Simple Message

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So many choices

So little time

All of our decisions

Are what make us who we are

We've all lived,

No matter how young are we

Nor how little we've seen

But none of that matters

If we cannot truly 'see'


To 'see' is not to look with the eyes,

Nor stare at odd, yet repetitive nothings

To 'see' is to look with your heart and soul

And know that there is more out there than we know

To know a thousand things too many

Yet be younger than that knowledge suggests

Or to be old enough to have seen things beyond that,

Yet be young enough in your soul to still laugh

To live, love, hurt and cry

To look at others with still a twinkling in your eye

To be satisfied with how you lived your life

Yet still wonder how different things could have been

But through all my ramblings

And thoughts of the when and now, if and then

There is a very simple message that I've been trying to tell

That to truly 'see' and have lived or to live your life

How it is meant or how you choose

Is to simply be

-Stephanie Ulmer, 9-16-12

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2012 ⏰

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