Hanging Out

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General POV

Kyle had been going to Mission Creek High for the past few days. He's noticed that every day, Bree had been looking at him. There was a few times he would catch her looking at him. Kyle never said anything to Bree about her looking. When their eyes would meet, Bree would blush and look away. Kyle would mentally smile, knowing that the plan was already working.  He knew that Adam, Chase and Leo were suspicious... but there was a plan for that to.

It was Friday, the day that filled schools with energy. Almost everyone would have plans for the weekend, at least those with friends and a life. Kyle never really did anything on Fridays and didn't plan on doing anything. He walked into the school and saw Bree sitting with her younger brother on the thing in the middle of the room. Bree looked up from the book she had and saw Kyle. She blushed a little and Kyle smiled at her. Kyle walked to his locker and Bree followed him with her eyes.
"Bree..." Chase said and waved his hand in front of her "...earth to Bree." Bree brought her attention back to her brother. "If you like the guy, go talk to him." Chase was suspicious of Kyle, like Leo and Adam were, but he wanted to help his sister. If there was a guy that his sister liked, then why wouldn't he help?
"Maybe later." Bree said before looking back at her book. What they didn't know is that Kyle heard the whole conversation, even though they were out of earshot. He used this opportunity.

After getting some books out, Kyle closed his locker and walked over to Chase and Bree.
"You're Chase right?" Kyle asked Chase, even though he already knew who he was. "We have health together..." Chase just nodded his head. "Was there any homework? I wasn't paying attention yesterday." Kyle lied. He knew that there was homework and he had it all done, but he just needed a conversation starter.
"We just had to read a few chapters." Chase said and Kyle nodded his head.
"I'm Kyle by the way." Kyle said and looked at Bree, who was trying not to look up at Kyle.
"This is Bree..." Chase said "...my sister." Chase elbowed his sister. Bree and Kyle already met and Chase knew that, but Bree didn't correct her brother. Kyle didn't correct him either.
"Hi." Kyle said with a small smile. Bree looked up and smiled a little. They had met each other on Kyle's first day, when he left his number and email behind for her to find.
"Hi." She said back. Kyle sat next to Bree and looked at the book she was reading.
"I've read that book before." Kyle said to Bree. "There's a surprise ending."
"What happens?" Bree asked Kyle.
"Spoilers." He said with a small smile as he put his finger on his lips.
"Hey Leo..." Chase said as Leo and Adam walked up to them.
"Hi." Kyle said to Leo. "I'm Kyle." He made a fist for a fist pound.
"I know." Leo said. "We have since together. We're partners." Kyle nodded his head.
"If I'm right...you're Adam." Kyle said as he pointed to Adam. "I have health class with you and Chase." Leo was about to say something, but then the bell rang. Kyle was the first to stand up. "I'll see you guys later." He said and looked at Bree. They gave each other a small smile before going off to their own classes.

Leo watched Kyle walk away, suspicious of the new kid.

Lunch time came around and Kyle sat with Bree and the others. They talked, just about the book Bree was reading and about how bad the school food was. Bree's siblings and Leo sat at the table to.  Bree and Kyle talked to each other the most. Leo just kept a suspicious eye on Kyle. The last new kid at the school was Marcus and Leo didn't want a repeat of that.
At the end of the day, Bree was at her locker making sure she had her homework. Kyle walked up to her.
"Hey..." He started to say "...if you want to hang out sometime..." He started to say.
"I already have your number." Bree said before she could stop herself. Kyle mentally smirked, knowing that she kept his number...that he purposely left behind on his first day. 'All according to the plan.' He thought to himself.
"Then text me later?." Kyle casually asked and Bree nodded. "By the way, you look really nice in that outfit." He said before walking away with his things. Kyle didn't even have to look back to know that Bree was blushing.

Kyle was at his house for about an hour. He was working on his homework while eating a sandwich when his phone vibrated. When he looked, he noticed that it was a text from Bree. As he read it, his father stood behind the couch.
"She wants to hang out." Kyle said, knowing his father was behind him. "Bree wants to go to a movie."
"Good." His father said. "Get close to her and you get close to the others."
"I know dad." Kyle said. "We've been over this a hundred times. Get close, gain their trust, keep our secrets secret and above all don't underestimate them." Kyle didn't have to look to know his father nodded his head. Kyle texted Bree back, letting her know that he would go to a movie with her.
Kyle and Bree saw an action movie. Bree had let Kyle pick out the movie while she paid for them. They had a good time and Kyle knew it would be easy to get closer to her. He wasn't sure about her siblings or Leo, but his father was a patient man... most of the time. He would give Kyle the time he needed to get close to Bree's family so their plan had a better chance of succeeding. They both had a good time and Kyle genuinely enjoyed himself. He knew he couldn't let himself get close to Bree in the way he needed her to be with him. It would all be worth it once his father's plan would be put into action...at least that's what he told himself.
Author's Note:
-I know there is a full scene in a later chapter that I will change. I re-read it the other day and didn't like the scene and wanted to change it. 
- This story is a bit of an alternate version of the end of season 2, but will have plots/ideas from season 3. It has been a long time since I watched Lab Rats, so hopefully when I get to writing new chapters, I will keep everyone in character and it still make sense. 

- In the next chapter Kyle is at the Davenport house for the first time. There are some references to the episodes Mission Space and Speed Trapped. 

-Please be patient with me as I edit the chapters and re-publish them. I'm hoping at some point this year (2024) that I will write new chapters for this story.

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