The old man scoffed so mad. "Fine. She wins, I will tell you everything"- he stands up and open the glass shelf and hold the dolls. The old man lits up and it revealed a small little man. "Just as I was thinking, youre a troll. Your job is to play all people's weaknesses and in that way you can easily win through that insane games"- Taeyong spokes.

"Youre right. I am a troll who lives in that cavern hundred years ago. I make these 5 dolls who can talk and entertain children in the circus in order for me to live like a human and earn living. But many witches see what I did and told the people that I was a fraud for making talking dolls. Which causes them to destroy this circus. I was here protecting my dolls and waiting someone who can take care of them. Here you go young lady."

I hold the five dolls. They suddenly shaked and started to jumped off my hands and they lit up together.

"Pretty girl!"

"Never seen a girl in so many years!"

"Gosh her eyes are like a doll too!"

"What is she wearing?"

"Is it November yet?"

"Nope. Its not November but July. Who are you guys?"

"My name is Mark Lee, this is Qian Kun, Huang Renjun, Na Jaemin and Dong WinWin"- the doll with bow and glasses said. "May I look at 5 of you? Your shoes or your backs?"

"SURE!"- They said. I look each of them

Mark - 2

Jaemin - 3

Renjun - 4

Kun - 5

WinWin - 6

"You guys are dolls number 2-6. Please look at the doll house. I need to know your places"- I open the doll house and let them see it. Their faces were all amused to what they see. I was shocked to see that Kun, Renjun and WinWin's place is the bed room. While Mark and Jaemin are in the stairs areas. They also lit up and the colors of their mutant color clothes has colors now. "WOW!! NEW COLORS!!"- they happily said.

"I guess they are connected to that doll house. Where did it came from?"- the troll asked. "It came from a ghost girl. She told me to find all 18 dolls and I was searching for my Grandma. Do you know anything around here?"

"Im an old troll, but those dolls can tell you. My time has come, thank you"- the troll suddenly becomes a stone a fades.

"By the way Miss Doll Eyes, whats your name?"- Renjun asked. "Im Gesielle Stoneheart-Lee"

"And who are these guys?"- Kun asked.

"That is Taeyong from the church. Jeno, Johnny, Yuta, and Mina. They are with me and you guys are part of us now. So, can you tell me what happened here?"

"This happens in year 1889. This circus is the only place where humans and monsters become one. The 5 of us entertained every children that would stop by our place. We are making stories for every children, but like the troll said. The witches called him fraud and they are the reason why some trolls who make magic dolls become stones. Luckily for Mr. Troll that he saved us as well as himself on that tragic day"- WinWin said.

"The cavern where we came from is in the islands after the Golbin forest and the Wolves layer next to these area"- Renjun said.

I showed them the map. "Do you know where I can find the missing part?"

"Actually, we have the missing piece"- Kun said. They all bring out some broken pieces of the map from their clothes. Mark then grab my map and they did some magic to the map and it was now all complete. It sure is a brand new map now. "This is the map of what happened hundred years ago. After the circus is the Goblin forest and next was the Wolves layer and then the island"- Jaemin said.

"Whats in the cavern? Trolls?"- Mina asked. "Nope. There are no trolls left there aside from Mr. Troll who just fade. But in that island, the cavern there was full of gems that you can use to defend all monsters and the Devil as well"- Mark said. "So you are telling us that one of the gems there can defend us all?"- Yuta Jeno asked.

"Yes. But first we need to finish those areas before we go to the island."- WinWin replied. "How are we going to pass those area when it was scary at all?"- Mina asked. "Dont worry, take this"- Kun then hand me a stick. "Its a stick. How can I protect myself when Im just a human?"

"Wait for it"- Kun said, the stick light up and it fly up. Then, it come a different stick now. "Its still a stick, tsh what a waste of time"- Taeyong hissed. "Look. Try it to that stone plant"- Jaemin said. I point the stick to the stone plant and the plant becomes alive.

"What the heck?!"- I was dreaming or what?!

"That, My Lady is a magic wand. Trolls made magic dolls like us so as a gift from the 5 of us, we gave you that wand."- Mark said. "And whatever youre thinking or your saying before waving the wand, that will be the result of the one your pointing."- Kun said.

Hhmm what shall I do to this...


Wow Gesielle has magic wand!!
I envied her so much huhuhu

Anyways, pls support the story and I promise to finish it soon

Thank you!


Stray Souls (NCT FF) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora