We get out and went back to the living room.. I'm holding my guitar.. God.. This is so beautiful.. My parents won't let me get a guitar

"Waaah, Lia, that's a great guitar" SeokJin complimented my guitar

I heard my phone rang.. God.. I look at who is the one calling and it's a Spanish friend of mine.. Why is she calling

"Hola" I said through the other line

"Hola" She said

"Porque llamaste?" I ask the boys gave me a confused look when I spoke Spanish

Translation:Why did you call

"Cómo estás"

Translation: How are you

"Estoy bien"

Translation: I'm okay

"Porque llamaste?" I ask again

"Voy a una fiesta en los angeles"

Translation: I'm going to a party at Los Angeles

"Porqué me estas diciendo esto?" The boys are still confused

Translation: Why are you telling me this?

"Todo el agente estará allí protegiendo a todo el artist" So after their tour they are going to a party

Translation: All the agent will be there protecting artist

"Esta bien, adios" I end the call

Translation: Alright, Bye

"You can speak spanish?" They are still looking at me.. But me and Soobin just chuckled.. We know spanish because of the chairman sent us there to train

"Sí, puedo hablar español" They all give me a confused look.. They don't know what I was saying, I laugh at them

Translation: Yes, I can speak spanish

"She means, 'Yes, I can speak spanish'"Soobin translated for me

"Woah, I didn't know my sister can speak Spanish" My brother said

"The chairman sent us there to train for our battle skills" I smile to them and sat down on the couch and started playing the guitar.. I was playing there song butterfly and Jimin sang

"That was good.." The members mouth were open when Jimin stop singing

"You still can play the guitar" NamJoon said

"I want to try" Jimin said I gave him my guitar

"Agent Grace Vasque from Spain, told me that the whole agent team, of other countries will be at Los Angeles to protect artists" I said to Soobin

"Agent Jeon MinJi said it too, they will be at the party.."

"Are you guys planning to attend the party? " I ask to the boys

"Hmm, yes.. We are.." My brother spoke

"Then you guys need to be careful at that party.. Some criminals might be trying to hide as an agents so we wouldn't suspect them" Soobin said, I nod and approval

"That party will have some agents from other countries.." I said "All the agents are working for our Chairman.. There are so many agency in other countries like, LA, Spain, Korea and much more other countries"

"Don't worry Lia will be your guys partner" That made me shock.. What the partner all of them? God am I that beautiful.. Just kidding..

NamJoon smirk he knows I hate dress"What are you gonna wear?" Oh brother I'll show you what I wear

"That's gonna be a surprise" I winked at him

"Soobiiniiieee where is my stuff?" He looked at me..

"I didn't pack it yet.." He scratch his head

"Then what am I wearing to sleep, I can't wear this" I point at my work outfit

"You can borrow mine" Jimin said, we all look at him.. He was still playing my guitar..

"I can borrow NamJoon's clothes.." I awkwardly said

"Borrow Jimin's clothes not mine" My brother whines


Jimin stood up and put my guitar on the side of the couch, he went to his room I guess to go get a sleeping outfit for me

When he got out of his room and he threw me a sweater and a short and some underwear

I went to the bathroom and shower. After that i put what Jimin gave me. It's smell like him.

I went out of the bathroom and went to his room. All of them went back to their room. So I guess he is in his room

"Thanks for letting me borrow some clothes" I winked at him

"That looks good on you" I blushed

I smiled widely "Thank you"

"Tomorrow afternoon is our flight" Oh yeah we are going to LA. My clothes. I need clothes. God

I sat down on the single couch here in his room and call the agency to drop my motorcycle here

"Agent SoJung please drop my motorcycle here in BTS dorm, I need to go home to get some clothes, thank you" I said and end the call

"I'll go, thank you again for the clothes" I stand up and walk to the door and leave

After some couple minutes, I heard someone knock, that must be the one who drops my motorcycle.

I open the door. And SoJung was there smiling

"Thank you for bringing my motorcycle" I tap his shoulder.

"Soobin's motorcycle is here too. He made a call to me. And same goes for you"

"Oh really? Sorry for bugging you late at night SoJung"

"It's okay, are you going to the party at LA?"

"Yep BTS will be attending. So me and Soobin have to come. You know" He laugh.

"Oh SoJung" I heard Soobin's voice from behind

"Got your motorcycle up" SoJung gave us our keys

"Thank you SoJung" I tap his shoulder and went out of the house and go to my motorcycle

"Nice to see you again Speed" That's my motorcycle's freaking name.

I started the engine of the Motorcycle and went to our family house. It's didn't take longer since I'm a fast driver

I open the door since I got keys to this house

"Eomma, Appa, I'm here" I said and went to my room

I grab my working outfit. Sometimes in the morning I work out. I'm wearing to the party a dress that can easily take off. Because under that, is my agent outfit

My Girlfriend Is An Agent | [P.J.M] ✔Where stories live. Discover now