Chapter 6

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>>Day and time skip: 8:00 pm<<

(Y/n)'s POV

I prepare myself to meet the boys at PAH. After preparing and fixing myself, I go downstairs and tell to my father that I am going to PAH now.

"Dad, I'm going to PAH now."-me

My father look at me with a worried face.

"Are you sure your going to help them to get your sister?"-Daddy John

"Yes dad!"-me

"I'm worried! I don't want to lose you."-Daddy John

"Don't worry dad! I'll be fine!"-me

"Ok! But I hope that I will see you tomorrow."-Daddy John

"Yes dad! See you tomorrow morning!"-me

After that, I get out of the house. I see the 6 boys (obviously Boy Story) waiting into the van.

"So, let's go now?"-Hanyu

"Yeah! Let's go!"-me

After that, Hanyu started driving the van.

>>Time skip<<

We arrived at our old house.

I have so many memories in this house with my twin sister Emilia.

"Uhm guys? Can we just go back in the van and get out of this place?"-Mingrui

"Oh shut up Mingrui! You are just scared! Seriously are you a gay?"-Shuyang

Mingrui stand up straight.

"No, I am not scared and I am not gay!!!"-Mingrui

"Ok stop fighting let's just go inside and look for my sister."-me

They all nodded and we go inside of our old house.

"The front door is locked. But there's a secret passage to basement. Let's go!"-me

We go to the secret passage to basement. When we got in there, we started to walk. I saw a piece of paper lying at the old tables of our house. I remember that my dad wrote this before we move out. We continue to walk.

"Let's find the keys. We need the hall key, bedroom key, attic key, and basement key."-me

They all nodded.

"Now let's go find the keys. Let's scatter around. Hanyu, you will explore here in the basement with Zihao. Hanyu will get the woods and Zihao will get the matches that has been scattered around here in the basement. Xinlong and Mingrui will find all the good babies and bad babies upstairs. Me, Zeyu, and Shuyang will find the basement key, hall key, bedroom key, and attic key. Ok?"-me

They all nodded.

"Ok let's start now!"-me

Hanyu and Zihao started to to find woods and matches in the basement while me, Zeyu, Shuyang, Mingrui, and Xinlong go upstairs. Xinlong and Mingrui are finding good dolls and bad dolls. While me, Zeyu, and Shuyang are finding the keys. Shuyang found first the bedroom key in the kitchen. We go to my locked bedroom and get the attic key. Me, Zeyu, and Shuyang go to the attic and open the locked closet. When we unlock the closet door, all the black bad dolls started running all around the place. I get the attic key and then get out of the closet.

"Come on Zeyu and Shuyang get one!"-me

Zeyu and Shuyang immediately try to chase the black dolls and take one. I also chased the black dolls and get one. When we finally got 3 dolls. We go down to the living room and look for Xinlong and Mingrui.

"Hey Xinlong and Mingrui, are you done taking good dolls?"-me


"Ok let's all go in the basement. I already got the basement key."-me

We all go to the basement. When we arrive at the basement, we saw Hanyu and Zihao waiting for us at the door in the basement.

"You guys got the basement key?"-Hanyu

"Yes I got it!"-me

"What about the bad dolls and good dolls?"-Zihao

"We got it!"-Xinlong & Mingrui

"Ok good now let's burn those bad dolls."-Zihao

I unlock the basement door and we get inside and close the door. Hanyu and Zihao put the woods inside the incinerator. Zihao light up the matches and put it inside the incinerator and burn the bad dolls. The dolls are burning, I scream because I feel my body burning while the dolls are burning. Emilia is also screaming upstairs because of the burning dolls.

"Hey (Y/n) are you ok?"-Hanyu

"It's hot! I'm burning!"-me

"Huh? How are you burning? There's no fire surrounding- Wait... Emilia is your twin sister right?"-Zeyu

I slowly nodded.

"Then your life and her life are just connected to each other."-Zeyu

Zeyu keep quiet for awhile and started thinking. After a few minutes, he broke the silence.

"We can't burn the dolls."-Zeyu

"What?! Why?!"-me & the boys

"If we burn the dolls, Emilia is not the only who's feeling the pain of burning, (Y/n) is also burning. They are sisters, their life are just connected to each other. If Emilia is hurting, (Y/n) is also hurting. If Emilia die, (Y/n) will die as well."-Zeyu (Damn dami mong alam)

"How did you know that?"-Zihao

"I learn all of this when I was just a little kid. I am interested on ghosts, paranormals, and many more when I was a kid. We're not going to burn the dolls now. I don't want to hurt (Y/n)."-Zeyu

"No! I'll be fine. We're going to continue finding bad dolls and burn them."-me


"No buts! We've already burn 4 dolls right? We still need to burn 5 more dolls. Hanyu and Zihao, you guys will stay here while me, Zeyu, Xinlong, Shuyang and Mingrui are going to fin the other bad dolls."-me

Hanyu and Zihao just nodded while Zeyu is keeping his mouth shut. We all get out of the basement room and go upstairs to find more bad dolls to burn and keys.


Ok that's the update for today. Kinda boring but at least I'm trying my best to update this one. Even my other stories are boring I still don't want to abandon my stories. I want to update them even it's boring. Anyways hope you like this new chapter and hope you support all of my future stories including non-BS stories. Ok thanky for reading! Vote, comment, and follow me.

Next Story To Update: My Happy Love Story With You


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