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“Wake up onii-chan, you’re going to be late for school!” I looked over and to see the little demon girl, that I call Hades, trying to wake me up. I looked at the clock that sits on my desk next to my bed. "Oh crap, it’s almost 7:30! Hades why didn’t you wake me up sooner!” I exclaimed as I rushed to get my schools uniform on. She put on her cutest and most innocent face and replied, ”Onii-chan was resting so peacefully, so I didn't want to disturb him," and then let out a giggle. I let out a sigh of annoyance and told her, "Alright, but please don’t let that happen again.” I get up and walk down the stairs and yell, ”Bye mom and dad.” As I walk out the door on my way to Reitaku High School.

As I began my walk to school, I looked around at the once unfamiliar streets of Shinjuku. It was hard to believe I've been in Japan for six years now. While I was lost in deep thought I faintly notice a familiar voice say, ”Hey, Matt were over here.” I look at the light post opposite the street I am on and notice my two friends, Sakura and Shenji. “Sorry to keep you waiting,” I said as I walked over to my friends, and we began walking to school. As we walked to school we talked about all the things we did over summer break. Shenji did his usual things: watching anime, playing video games, and things I won't mention. Sakura did a lot of things over the summer: hung out with friends, went shopping, went to the beach, and watched a few new animes. I went back to the states during the break to see family and some of my old friends.

All of a sudden Shenji says, ”Guys, I had one of the strangest dreams last night.” I look over at him and snort, ”That’s random as hell, but go on.” Almost as soon as the words came out my mouth he began describing a zombie apocalypse dream, which is a typical dream for him. He looks over at Sakura and I and asks, ”Did one of you have any strange dreams over the summer?” Sakura shook her head no, but I looked down and said, ”Yes I have… I’ve had the same dream all summer,” I looked up to see the main gate of the school, ”I’ll have to tell you guys later, maybe on our way home.” I said as we walked through the gate.

Almost as soon as the lunch bell rang, I felt two pairs of arms wrap around mine and beginning to drag me out of class. I looked at my captors and realized that it is only Sakura and Shenji. I sighed, ”Alright guys you can let me go now,” they immediately stopped and let me go, making me drop like a ton of bricks. “Alright, now let us continue to the roof and eat our lunch,” I announced as I began walking down the hallway. Apparently, they had been curious about my reoccurring dream because, before I could even take the first bite of my bento, Shenji asked me about my dream.

 I let out a sigh of annoyance and say, ”Alright, I’ll tell you about my dream." Sakura and Shenji high-fived each other and I began telling them about my dream. ”I woke up in a hallway dimly lit by torches,” I began, ”I looked around trying to figure out where I was, but I couldn't figure it out. As I was looking around I noticed writing on the wall that I've never seen before. I began walking down the corridor and the further I go the brighter and newer the pathway began to look.” I explained as I looked at their captivated faces, ”I eventually reached two giant doors with the same writing above it but somehow I knew what it said, 'Here Lies the Crypt of the Ancients'.” They both looked at me dumbfounded for a moment. Sakura finally said, ”That IS a freaky dream, Matt.” I nodded my head in agreement just as the bell for class rings.

As I begin my walk home from kendo practice, I decided to stop by the temple and pray for luck for the upcoming tournament. As I walk up the steps I see a familiar fox spirit running around playing and running the courtyard. Yes, I can see spirits and other things, but I have no idea why I've always been able to see them. Anyways some of my best friends are spirits, like this one, her name is Amatarasu. “Are you having fun today Amatarasu?" I asked as I passed through the gate. She looked over and her already smiling face shown brighter when she saw me drawing closer. “Yes I have, Matt; I've been playing all day!” she said running over to me. “Are we going to play together today?” she asked excitedly. “Sorry, but not today, I’m here to pray at the shrine for luck at the kendo tournament next month.” I said as I watched her fox ears beginning to droop. I immediately say, ”Alright, I might be able to play for a bit." Her ears instantly perked up as she tackles me to give me a hug. We walk over to the shrine and I clap my hands together and say a silent prayer for luck. As I finished I pulled out five thousand yen and put it in the offering box and begin running around with Amatarasu.

After running around for about two hours I decide it’s time to go home. As I was walking out the gate and down the steps I hear Amatarasu yell, ”Be very careful Matthew there have been a lot of rogue spirits running wild lately!” I yell back, ”I will Amatarasu. You should probably stay here it’s probably the safest place for you too.” She smiled, ran off and began to play again

 I finally got home where I was immediately greeted by my parents and the smell of a fresh supper. “How was kendo practice, son?” my dad asked after we started eating. “It was good, we have a big tournament coming up in the next month,” I answered taking a bite of bourbon chicken and rice. After supper I went back to my room and found Hades looking through my manga. “Hades, what do you think you are doing?” I ask as she looked at me. “What does I look like I’m doing? I’m reading your manga, because as long as I’m here what’s yours is mine and what’s mine is yours.” She said sarcastically as she continued reading. “Hades do you even have anything?” I asked, and she replied with a simple, “No,” as I continue and observe, “Then how is what’s mine is your and what’s…yours… YOU clever little demon you.”

She began to giggle as I let out a groan and fall on my bed. “Alright, I’m probably going to go to sleep soon.” I said wondering if I should ask Hades about the rogue spirits, but before I could she told me the same warning Amatarasu told me, ”Be very careful Matthew there have been a lot of rouge spirits that have been mysteriously turning bad and attacking people!” she paused then added, ”I've noticed that some of them have been around the house but they've kept their distance.” I looked up with a worried look on my face, thoughts racing through my head: What's going on? Who or what is doing this? And why am I hearing this warning again!?!? I lay my head back down and decide to go to sleep, knowing I would be going back to this Crypt of the Ancients as it was called. This time I plan on trying to find some answers no matter how far I have to go.

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