I chewed on my lip. That wound explain why everyone was staring at us. I shrunk into Harry's side, setting the half eaten sandwich down on the table.

Liam watched me carefully for a few seconds. "Ready to go?" He asked.

I nodded and so he stood up. We walked down the tables, the whole room almost going quiet at once. I held my breath the entire walk while Harry had one of his hands pressed into my back.

Once we were out of the room, I breathed in deeply and let it out. Harry wrapped his arm around my back and I leaned into him as we walked to the Headmaster's office. Liam knocked on the door and waited until it opened before entering.

Harry let go of my waist as we walked in. The headmaster smiled and shook his head slightly, watching us both for a few seconds. "It's fine for you to be affectionate with each other."

I felt my face heat up as I looked down. I sat in the chair next to Harry and Liam sat on the other side of me. Harry laced our fingers and I leaned back into the chair, looking up at the Headmaster.

"So, this is new for all three of you, correct?" He questioned.

"Louis and I went to a camp last summer, but other than that, yeah, we're still pretty new," Harry answered, squeezing my hand.

The headmaster nodded. "There's some rules you're expected to follow, but they're not hard to follow. You are to remain on the grounds of the school at all times unless you are told otherwise. You will be given uniforms that you are required to wear during class hours. On weekend and after class you are permitted to wear what you'd like, and some of your belongings have already been sent here.

"Classes are set up according to your ability type, so Liam will have different classes compared to Harry and Louis. Any materials you may need for class will be provided for you. After we get you sorted into your types, you'll be able to talk to your parents. You'll all be sharing a dorm unless you want to be sorted into the correct dorm. Donyou have any questions for me?"

"How are we sorted?" Liam asked. I glanced at him, trying to figure out how comfortable he was right then.

The headmaster stood, an easy smile on his face. "You're analyzed in a room. It only takes a few minutes to complete. We can go now if you'd like, as long as you don't have any other questions for me."

We all agreed and stood up, following through the old looking stone halls. Fitness beautiful in a way, the way the school was structured. It was also kinda creepy.

Harry was sent into the room first, followed by Liam. I chewed on my lip while I waited for my turn. The door opened again and so walked into the pure white room. When the door closed, I couldn't tell where it had been. I also couldn't tell where the floor and the wall connected.

"Remain still," a robotic voice demanded. I froze as a blue beam went up my body then back down. Seconds later the room turned red. I turned in a circle, my breathing getting heavier as I realized the room was shrinking.

"Liam!" I screamed. I tried using my telekinesis to push the walls, but it wasn't working. I panicked even more. "Liam! Help me!"

I kept screaming for him. I was forced to curl as small as I could, trying to avoid touching the walls because they were burning me. I had a hard time breathing in the small space but continued to scream for Harry and Liam.

"Get me out of here! Liam! Harry!" I squeezed my eyes shut, then the room expanded again and returned to the whole color as Liam ran in.

"You're okay. You're okay," he told me, hugging me tightly. I heard Harry crouch next to me, rubbing my back. "What happened?"

"The room turned red and started shrinking, and it was burning me." I held up my arms and saw the burn marks that were littered.

"I swear," Harry growled.  "I'm going-"

"No, no, please. Don't," I begged, moving to hug Harry instead of Liam. "I wanna go home. Take me home."

"Louis." I looked up and saw Niall standing in the doorway. "You need to come with me."

My stomach dropped. I shook my head. "No."

"Now, Louis," he demanded. Harry blocked me and Liam stood up.

"You're not taking him." Liam stepped forward.

I felt my back hit the wall before I realized what had happened. Niall sighed as he walked towards me. "You made it hard."

"No, don't," I fought but Niall was able to grab me. He pulled me from the room and lead me down a hallway. "What's going on? Why are you taking me?"

"You're dangerous."

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