16: Come Get Some

Começar do início

I dodged his blade made of Aura by a hair, and grabbed his wrist and shoulder, bowling him over my hip and onto the ground. "Rage is a tool, not a state of mind. Allowing it to take over dulls your reflexes, your reactions to danger. You might think it's worth it, to be stronger and faster and not feel pain, but it's nothing but weakness." I clicked my tongue at him saucily, and stepped back as he stood.

My own spirit Axe appeared, merging with my wooden axe, and I breathed deeply, raising it to meet his bull rush. I grunted at the force behind his charge, setting my feet into the ground as the dirt moved around my heels from my backwards movement, and then filled my body with my Aura, creating my armor and increasing my speed.

Strength: 80% (400%)
Speed: 50% (250%)
Stamina: 10% (50%)
Defense: 5% (25%).>

I grinned and forced him back a step, before slamming my foot into his chest, sending him rolling back onto his ass and then face, but it didn't seem to faze him, as he stood up, and his Aura began to grow a sickly green. "Huh... changing colors? That's new." I commented, and blocked his charge, before being thrown off my feet entirely.

Status: Rage!
Stats increased x5!
Intelligence: 5%.>

I nodded and popped back up to my feet, putting away the axe and spreading the weapon over my body, merging it with my armor. The next attack was a boot to my chest, going for vengeance, it seemed, but I smirked as spikes grew there, and savagely impaled his foot, nearly tearing it apart.

I was still kicked and sent tumbling into the river, but I damaged him, so that was nice.

<Would you like to Rage?>

'Is that like what he did? I don't want to lose my intelligence, I'm already pretty stupid.'

<Sorry, True; however, 'Wrath of Titans' is what you have, and it makes your attacks do triple damage, while halving your Stamina.>

'And I don't lose intelligence or focus?'

<Not if you try to retain them hard enough?>

"COME GET SOME!!!" I roared a viciously loud Orc WarCry, and allowed the status to settle over me. I grunted in surprise when I grew to the same size as my father, a fully grown orc, (only an increase of about half a meter,) and my vision dulled a little, hazing, before I recovered, and roared again, even louder, making him step back.

<Status: Fear temporarily cancels Status: Rage.
Strength: 60% (300%)
Speed: 50% (250%)
Stamina: 20% (100%)
Defense: 2% (10%).>

I grinned and rushed forward, slamming a Fist into his face and sending him reeling, before grabbing his helmet and ripping it off as the sharpened horns poked into my fingers from my grip, but didn't break the skin. He snarled at me as his face was revealed. He was a Machai, it seemed, a race of Demons that were the personification of War.

When he made to swing his sword, I buried one of the horns of his own helmet into his neck, and ripped it out, spreading his blood all over me. "Weaklings do not make of the Strong their minions. Think on that, in your next life." I spoke, and then stomped on his skull, killing him.

Hallox Mars' Level Increased!
Hallox Mars' Ur Increased! (7th Form)
Hallox Mars gains Title: Seven Sins Clan, Demon Lord of Wrath!
Hallox Mars' Class (1): Maxed!
Hallox Mars Evolves (1) into: Orc Paragon (Legendary Path, 6th), now!>
Companions Level Up!>

Lucky ProdigyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora