A New Tale

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This story takes place 8 years after the Inheritance series ends.

Dear diary,

Soon I shall bejoining the academy, an event so grand I could only have dreamed of such a thing until last week, when an urgal by the name of Yaolq told me that I had been chosen to attempt for a dragon, and upon my acception of the honor, he lead me towards one of the many areas that dragons took off and landed, although it was something that I personally had never seen, but perhaps I would see it today! Upon reaching the gates, I started to wonder what we could have been doing there, and I started to wonder if I was actually going to ride a dragon, As I've seen a few before, and have had to practically drag myself away from the creatures, with their shining scales and their towering yet peacful presence. Well, back to the story at hand. As we passed through the gate I started to panic. What if I fell?! What if none of the dragons accepted me?! Then, almost as if he had read my mind, and wanted to rid me of my worries, Yaolq said that we were going to be riding a dragon to get to the academy, as, to keep out intruders, that is the only way up there. He also said that they would be sending a message to my family to inform them of my absence, and that they would be fitting me a saddle. And so they proceded to do just that, wrapping leather strips around me, seating me in multiple different saddles, until I decided on a make simular to the hero, now grand master Eragon King-slayer. They then lead me out onto the landing pad (I think thats what they're called) and started fitting my saddle behind what I would assume is Yaolq's saddle, that being mounted on a magificant green dragon.

Now this dragon was incredible, even for a dragon with scales that caused the sun's rays to scatter, causing rainbows to appear over its scales, with eyes that shone like stars! I'm getting side-tracked again aren't I? Anyway, I mounted my saddle just after Yaolq, and , (I will mention that he did warn me that it isnt quite as easy as it seems) The dragon speaks to me through its mind (I can't quite show my face but it was rather funny, or so I'm told) and says that his name is Saphron, and, I am told, he actually said this multiple times before I responded, and after a short warning about trying not to be sick, Saphron flapped his wings,almost knocking me off already, and up we went, I would describe it, but its quite hard to write down, so, you'll just have to imagine it, so I'll skip the flight, altough I will describe the view, as it was magnificent, with a full view of the entire community, even the training grounds were visible, and they're on the other side of the island! Well, anyway upon reaching the upper landing pad, Yaolq lead me to a long thin room, filled with what I could only assume were dragon eggs. Yaolq then asked me to choose an egg that felt right, one that should hopefully link with me, and so I had a look around. Almost immediately a small green egg caught my eye. As I approached the egg, Yaolq warned me that I may feel a sharp shock upon touching the egg, so I went to touch the egg with a little more caution than before, and with caution, I placed my hand over the egg, and almost instantly a shock shot up my arm, causing me to jolt back. I turned to look at Yaolq, only to see him with a huge grin on his face! He congratulated me and instructed me to take the egg and care for it until it hatches, and as soon as it does, to return to the landing pad  with the dragon hatchling and to get a guard to call for him. He then lead me back outside, instructed me how to safely store the egg, and how to carry the hatchling if need be, as well as how to feed it! He then lead me back to the landing pad, and, almost as if he had been signaled, Saphron swooped down and asked me to climb on, so that he could return me to my home, so that I may begin my care of my egg!

Well thats all for now, so I shall "documenting" the progression of the egg in the future!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2014 ⏰

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