Jeff and Trish's hang out goes wrong

Start from the beginning

Trish: Jeff I can't accept this it's too much 

Jeff: it is perfect for you and besides I told you I already have one

I showed her the necklace and she smiled.

Trish: okay but no more gifts like these Jeff because I can't accept any of them 

Jeff: don't you dare say it Trish

Trish: say what?

Jeff: you were going to say that you don't deserve them when you do 

Trish: *small smiles*

I helped Trish put the first necklace on and when I faced her she smiled.

Jeff: want to go for a walk?

Trish: yeah

We walked out of the room and the hotel.

End of POV

Trish's POV

I can't believe Jeff got me these gifts they are so beautiful I don't deserve him and that is the truth anyway me and Jeff are walking down the street holding hands we were then met up with Lita and Matt they smiled when they saw us.

Matt: how did you like the gifts?

Lita: what gifts?

Trish: Jeff got me two necklaces 

I showed Lita and Matt the one that they are wearing as well

Lita: what is the other one?

Trish: I will show you when we get back to the hotel

Lita: okay

Jeff: where are you going?

Matt: we were going to the park

Trish: can we join?

Lita: sure 

We all walked to the park.

*At the park*

We sat on a bench well me and Lita did the boys sat on the grass.

Lita: I am so glad that we bumped into you two

Trish: same 

Jeff &Matt: hey! What about being with us?

Trish: *giggles* 

Lita: *rolls eyes*

We carried on talking about anything that came to our mind then my phone buzzed I got my phone out and saw a text from Zak.


Trish be careful wherever you are because Michael is about I think he saw through your plan with having a clone but if you need me you know I will be there for you.

From Zak

I felt like I couldn't breathe.

Trish: Lita come with me

Lita: are you alright?

Trish: just come with me.... please

Lita: alright

Trish: we'll be at the hotel

Me and Lita quickly walked off and I didn't stop even when people were shouting my name.

End of POV

Lita's POV

Me and Trish just got to the hotel and she still hasn't told me what's going on. We just got to our rooms when Trish just fell on her bed I noticed that she couldn't breathe she was having a panic attack I helped her calm down.

Lita: Trish what's wrong?

Trish: it's Michael

Lita: what about him?

Trish: he saw through my plan he is back and he is coming for me

Lita: how do you know?

Trish: Zak texted me

Trish showed me the text and she put her head in her pillow.

Trish: ugh the plan was going so well

Lita: I know it was but what happened?

Trish: I hope Lily hasn't told him she is the second version 

Lita: we have to tell the boys

Trish: I can't 

Lita: I will tell the boys while you ring Zak

Trish: *nods*

Lita: I will be back 

As soon as I came out of my hotel room I saw Matt and Jeff turn the corner they looked confused.

Matt: what happened?

Lita: Michael

Jeff: what about him?

Lita: he is back he found out about Trish's plan 

Jeff: how?

Lita: not sure 

Jeff: let me see Trish to calm her down

Lita: she is on the phone to someone 

Jeff: it is Zak isn't it?

Lita: yeah since he told her 

Jeff: if I see him he is dead no one hurts my girlfriend and gets away with it

End of POV

Trish's POV

I rang Zak and on the first ring he answered.

*Phone convo*

Zak: Trish are you okay?

Trish: Zak I am scared 

Zak: I know you are but if you stay with your boyfriend he can help you when I am not there

Trish: Zak I meant.....

Zak: oh your secret

Trish: yeah I am scared because Michael knows I have a secret and he might've figured it out 

Zak: if he has figured it out he would have come straight for you

Trish: what if he is waiting to get me on my own

Zak: do you want me with you while he is around

Trish: Zak even if I want you to be by my side I can't because you have a job to do

Zak: I would do anything for you Trish you're my best friend and I want to keep you away from Michael 

Trish: you're sweet Zak but if it does get out of hand I will call for you 

Zak: okay keep safe Trish

Trish: I will try

Zak: bye Trish 

Trish: wait Zak

Zak: what's wrong?

Trish: what do I do if Michael gets me when Matt, Jeff and Lita aren't with me and he tries to hurt me

Zak: if you're in the hotel room run into the bathroom and ring me I will be there for you instantly 

Trish: alright thank you Zak

Zak: no problem 

Trish: I will talk to you later bye Zak

Zak: bye Trish

*End of  phone convo*

I ended the phone call with Zak I texted Lita to come to our hotel room.

End of POV

magic Jeff Hardy and Trish StratusWhere stories live. Discover now