She sits in the remaining seat. The Hokage then turns to the Kazekage.

"You were the one who recommended Otogakure. Did you know of Kushina being the Otokage?"

"Of course, but she swore me to silence."

The Hokage sighs and leans back in his chair.

"I thought Orochimaru was in charge. What else have I been mistaken about?"

While he is thinking, Naruto and the three sound genin arrive and join the other finalists.

The Hokage stands up to address the crowd.

"Welcome all to the Chunin Selection Exams! We are gathered to witness the third and final part of the exam. The remaining finalists will face off in a tournament-like fashion for your enjoyment. Now, sit back and enjoy the fights. I now turn this over to the proctor, Genma Shiranui."

The Hokage sits back down as a man down in the area speaks up.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama. Now then, will the contestants enter the arena?"

The nine finalists enter the arena. Everyone is surprised by Naruto's new outfit and hair.

He has a obsidian headpiece on his head with a sapphire in the middle, sapphire jewelry, and a red sash around his waist, black combat pants, and obsidian boots. His hair was cut a bit short but it was spiky. On his arm, tied by a black cloth is his Konoha headband.

All in all, everyone couldn't help but think that Naruto looks a lot more badass now, than he did before. Hell, even his new hair he got from a month ago looked cooler.

Genma speaks up. "Now, then. There has been an adjustment to the tournament line-up. Please study the new line up, to see if anything has changed for you."

The new line-up was as follows:

Match 1: Naruto Uzumaki vs Neji Hyuga

Match 2: Gaara vs Yoroi Akado

Match 3: Kankuro vs Rock Lee

Match 4: Temari vs Sasuke Uchiha

Match 5: Dosu Kinuta vs Hinata Hyuuga

This surprises everyone, considering that Sasuke was eliminated in the preliminaries. The Hokage shoots up from his seat.

"What? I didn't make that adjustment! Genma! Who authorized the change to the line-up?"
"It was the council, sir."

The Hokage slams his fist on his chair.

"Damn those two for going behind my back! Well then, the response to this is quite obvious."

He is about to call for Sasuke to be disqualified, when Kushina stops him.

"Wait a minute, old man. Let the Uchiha participate."

"He did not earn his spot in the finals fairly! According to the rules he must be disqualified!"

"Hear me out, this is an unexpected twist the finalists have to face. It could test how they perform when an unexpected element throws them off guard. You don't have to promote him. Hell, the arrogant prick doesn't deserve it. But he can provide extra entertainment for the crowd."

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