𝓹𝓵𝓸𝓽 𝓽𝔀𝓲𝓼𝓽

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You've been fooled.

You've become guinea pigs once again. From once viewed another universe, turns out it was actually a game. Now, what is this? Is this really a game or is this something deeper than that?

The absence of the scoreboard in the base account, the healing capsules that won't prevent you from dying, and you, still recognizing yourself after your departure.

It's your actual life. It's now the reality, human.

The PARALLEL program hasn't stopped when Lunaverse closed. Last time, you managed to wake Commander Khione up, but why can't you wake yourself up? This isn't just a game, you're fighting for your own life against your representative animal.

Council of Nouménia tried to stop the parallel, but dear, daughters of the moon brought together can either bring chaos or harmony, it therefore resulted the former.

The PARALLEL program is known for making a game that transports you to a different dimension. But this time, it didn't create a new dimension for the game, it CALLED for another dimension to come and collide with our current dimension. What dimension can it be?

It's none other than the future dimension. The same attitude, personality, powers and skills in weaponry with your representative animal is the clue, as well as the Crossover (Lunaverse and Zodiaverse). Your representative animal is your undeveloped future self.

The Council de Astrologías as well as the Kryfó Zódiakó is the future versions of the Council of Nouménia and Blé Fengaria. The moment Noumenia thought they've destroyed the program marks also the birth of the collision of the sun and the moon, the present and the future, the good and the evil. This collision also captured a melophile Zelenian, Zariyah Chou, whilst sleeping along with the Nouménia, therefore giving birth to another member of the Council de Astrologías. While inside the collision, an ordinary citizen of the real world named Celaena de Rochefort who was a close comrade of Commander Khione, the brain of the PARALLEL machine, also got inside. She wasn't a Zelenian, but she became an Astrología, her developed future self. The same incident also happened to the non-Zelenians who didn't get the chance to enter the Lunaverse, but managed to fight in this futuristic Zodiacus Beta Gaming Universe. They were also captured without knowing anything, because again, this is now the reality. All citizens are involved, Zelenians or not.

That's why you lived with your representative animal, because the present and the future collided and there must be one world that must win.

It's either you or your representative animal.

It's either the present or the future.

Ilya's representation of killing her dove self is another significant clue. You must choose yourself because once you let yourself be overpowered by your representative animal, it will now be both dimensions' original you. Only one should be the present and the future, and that must be... you yourself and nobody else.

Killing the representative animal also means killing the Astrologías. The Nouménia should reside along with you, dear. Astrologías did a lot of work to fool you along with Serpentina who is the traitor, but you've fought with the Nouménia through the help of Eldoris the savior who hacked the system to call for your help. You started fighting the moment you let yourself out on Level 3. So as you can still remember, a lady named Mareena, who was once a goddess of the moon, came out, followed by the user ERR0RHASOCCURED, who was known to be the ceraunophobic antophile Cold Moon of December.

It's Aega who is the main reason why this chaos took place. Aega is the present version of Serpentina. She who was the shadow and was always hidden, therefore not having her own shine unlike the others. Hence, she corrupted the machine and let Zodiaverse be born. Here, she must be the boss. But Aine, the present Eldoris, won't be giving her all the benefits, won't be letting her to be the boss, even though it means calling out for help, for letting the Zodiacs out and for waking Luna up for one night, and for letting the sleeping Nouménia seek for help.

It's only you who can stop Aega. And you only have one chance, and that is to choose yourself. Because you can only choose one, dear human. One that means the PARALLEL will be ruined and will never bring chaos again.

And you did it. Congratulations, humans. You've succeeded! The present wins the game of life!

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