actually serious post for once oof

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yo uh

i cant pretend to speak for the whole lesbian community & i know for a fact that i dont speak for the likes of terfs, but i think that the majority of us are agreeing to phase out the pink lesbian flag cos it was originally made by a terf & Yeah that shit is nasty

but that doesnt mean we dont have a flag anymore!!!! most of us have now started to use this flag:

but that doesnt mean we dont have a flag anymore!!!! most of us have now started to use this flag:

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which imo is a lot prettier than the pink one & i like it a lot. with pride month approaching and all i thought that it was necessary to address this cos a lot of us arent comfortable with the pink lesbian flag. so in my case and a lot of other lesbians' cases could u please use this flag instead. thank u for coming to my ted talk

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