So that was School... I think.

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My vermillion eye scanned the room. The students looked at me weirdly - since I walked into the room with Lloyd, I think.

One in particular just glared at me. His brown - almost black - eyes staring into mine. The generic popular kid, I'm guessing. Maybe a cheerleader? Not sure.

I turned a page in my notebook and wrote a simple greeting, turning it to the teacher so she could read it.

"Oh, well that's new. Everyone, this is Luke --uh Garmion. He can't speak, so be patient with him." With that, she pointed to a desk next to the cheerleader, which I took before she could speak again.

"Anyway class, I hope you've all done your homework, because we're having a pop quiz! This is on what we have been learning, so Luke, you don't have to do this if you don't want to." I glare at her, motioning that I will do the quiz, without a second thought.

She handed out the quiz paper to each row, the students taking one and passing them back to the next. I looked over the questions, holding the papers behind my head for Cole to grab.

Really? A mental disability quiz? What is this school expecting?

There were fifteen questions, each about different disabilities - Schizophrenia, Autism, Insomnia, etcetera, etcetera.

"And, start. You have 20 minutes to complete the quiz."

'Q1: How can you identify someone with Autism? Give 3 answers.' Damn, I know jack shit about Autism. Ugh.

'Well, they don't respond to their name, when called. They like to be alone. They avoid eye contact.' Maybe? I have no idea, but I put these answers down anyway.

'Q2: When do people show symptoms of Schizophrenia, and what are they?'

I sighed. Damn, this is some... hard stuff to remember.

'Hallucinations and delusions usually start between ages 16 and 30.'

Okay. Next question. Two down, thirteen to go.

After around 10 minutes, I made it to the final few questions. As my ballpoint pen was being dragged across the paper, my phone 'ding'ed. I shivered, taking it out of my pocket and looking over the message.

"Get out here now."

I rolled my eyes, raising my hand - just as sirens went off. The ghost of a smile lingered on my face as everyone dropped to the floor. They yelled at Lloyd - saying it was his fault that Garmadon was attacking - again.

I picked up my finished paper, slinging my backpack over my shoulder before placing it on the teachers desk. I nodded at her as she only looked up in fear, liking the feeling of power. I laughed loudly - shocking the class as they thought I was mute.

I ripped the eyepatch off and smiled, showing teeth like Garmadon's.

"If I stay here, Garmadon will be sure to kill you. He's coming here as we speak, so I wouldn't leave this room, if I were you." My raspy voice called out - sounding like a young Garmadon. Everyone gasped as I saluted and walked out, making my way through the front doors of the school.

And behold!

In all his unholy glory, the asshole himself!

I glared up at the shark mech, catching his eyes with mine. We just stood there, having a stare off. His stare hardened, knowing what he'll do when I get back tonight - if I get back tonight.

I gulped, listening to the whispers of the kids who looked out from the windows. I glanced back at them, soon noticing the Ninja in their own mechs. I rolled my eyes as the shark mech kneeled down in front of me.

He only stared, as my stature stayed firm.




Garmadon threw a sword at my feet, the blade buried in the ground inches from my left foot. I stared at it, grabbing the black handle with my right hand, before looking up at him again.

"It's time to prove yourself, son. Kill the Green Ninja." His grin widened as the mech backed up from me. I rolled my eyes again and spun the sword around, slashing at the air.

"And how do you expect that? I'm not an evil overlord like you, or an elemental master like them. I'm just a kid. A normal, bruised, kid." I shrugged to myself, waving at the green mech, before spinning towards the leg of the shark mech.

"Okay, what have we here? Sharks, water, self destruct button, wires, plastic. Oh wait, self destruct button!" I cackled slightly, reaching through the wire-y mess in the ankle. I firmly grasp the handle of the sword and jam it into the self destruct button, soon enough a '10 Mississippi' timer started - brought to you by yours truly. I ran back towards the entrance of the school; going to open the door when I was grabbed and swooped into the air.

I gasped, feeling the explosion's heat from the - now destroyed - shark mech behind me. I looked up to find my backpack being held by the Green Ninja's Dragon Mech. I laughed quietly, trying to get out of it's grasp and actually sit on top of the dragon.

After failed attempts - and almost falling to my death twice, the backpack was free and I was on the side of the dragon, reaching for the spine.

"So how's life, Green Ninja? Going well, I hope?" He didn't answer and only grunted, leaving me in my thoughts. I glanced at the sky, noticing we're at cloud level. I reached up to the fluffy, cotton-like shapes only to feel nothing. "Quick question, Greenie. Where exactly are we headed? Your secret base? Or are you abandoning me somewhere on the coast?"

"We're going to meet someone. So will you please be quiet, Luke?"

'Wait, how'd he know my name?' As I opened my mouth to speak, we started plummeting to the water. I shrieked, holding onto the black chains on the dragon in hopes of staying safe.

Ha, look at that. Luke Garmadon is afraid of heights.

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