Chapter 3

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Holy shit I'm outta school for the summer now (June 6th eyyyy) Hopefully I'll start uploading more frequently (Also I just read a REALLY good Phan story, its called "Hi my name is [Dan]. If you like Phan, you should check it out) Sal and Larry finally meet in this chapter, yay. The story has some of the same subjects and text from the game, but will probably have different adventures and stuff, more than likely will have some headcanons I found on Tumblr (▰˘◡˘▰)

Larry was at the door of room 402. He was excited, but he was also scared. What if this man had just given him a key and is going to lock him in a room to be skinned alive? What if this teen boy is scared of his mask? What if the teen boy tries to take Larry's mask off? So many what if questions..

Larry decided not to panic and just meet this dude already. He knocked on the door then put the key in the door, opening it.

The first thing he saw when he walked in was a cat, a cat sitting on his ass like a human being, holding the remote to the tv. It flipped through the channels. Larry was confused. The cat stared at him with his dead eyes, then looked back to the TV. Oookkkaaay Larry thought as he walked towards a few doors. There were 2 which were most likely the parent's room and the boy's room.  He could only assume that the door with the 'keep out' sign was the boy's room. 

Larry took a quiet breath before knocking on the door. From inside he could hear movement and a voice say, "Yeah, what is it?" The voice didn't sound like masculine, but it didn't sound particularly feminine either. The voice was slightly annoyed but respectful. He replied with, "Hey, your dad sent me up here cause he said that he had a son my age." Larry felt timid for just entering someone's house without their knowledge. Well, at least not the people, or cat thing, in the house. 

"I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out a bit maybe?" Larry said through the door. 

"Yeah man, one minute." Larry waited a few seconds before he heard another response, "Come in!" the teen yelled. 

Larry opened the door. Inside was a small room, similar to his own. This room had posters and paintings everywhere. An easel with a semi-painted image was sitting next to a dresser. It was clear that this person painted all of the pictures in the room. He then made eye contact with this teen.

They seemed to be a boy, except this boy had bright blue hair in large pigtails and painted black nails. He was wearing a black jumper with red pants. And his face was gorgeous, according to Larry. He had vibrant blue eyes that seemed like crystals and diamonds or waves on the ocean, drifting you away. He had many freckles, and despite having a bit of a small, wacky nose, he still looked cute. 

"Woah, nice mask! I'm Sal by the way." Sal said excitedly, not showing any signs of being uncomfortable. Still, Larry felt scared, like this Sal boy was lying to him. Despite Larry's best attempt, he could not find any trace of hate.

"Thanks, it's a prosthetic." Larry said nonchalantly, being used to people asking about stuff. Sal's expression changed from happiness to worried, "Oh shit, sorry dude." 

"It's ok, I've heard worse"

"I'm Sal by the way, nice to meet you-"



We spend the next few minutes breaking the ice, talking about random topics like food and Sal's weird cat. We got into the topic of musical preferences. I said that I enjoyed rock, edm, and metal. Once I said the word 'metal', Sal looked at me with wide eyes and said, "Dude! You like metal? Have you heard Sanity's Fall?" I look at him with a questioning face, "Sanity's Fall? I don't think I've heard of that one."

"Oh damn Larry, you're missing out. You gotta listen to this, man!" He ran off towards his radio. He popped in a cd of sanity's Fall. The music started with an electric guitar. I'd always wanted to try playing the guitar, maybe I'd try one day. Then the music started up with heavier guitar and soon after vocals came in. Sal started head banging, trying to imitate the person singing the song. I joined in, swinging my head back and forth, my hair slapping my prosthetic. 

Sal looked up at me, swinging my loose, brown hair all over the place. He laughed and shook his head, making his pigtails hit his face. Sal whipped around, doing a small spin and starting with an air guitar. 

The song ended and we both calmed down. Sal and I chatted again, about the music, about more songs, and the weird neighbors. 

"Who the weirdo in room 204?" I ask him.

"Oh you mean Sanderson? Yeah she's strange, man. She collects ponies or some shit." Sal replied, "She's always gave off this creepy vibe. You know, right before you moved here, there was a murder. Not so welcoming if I say so myself, dude."

"Damn, that's why there were police officers? I just kinda avoided them, I don't want them to think I'm stranger than I already am." I said, " Well, this was fun, but it's almost lunch time, and I don't wanna miss lunch. My mom makes epic sandwiches."

"Yeah, I gotta whip myself up some food too, dude. You should come over later."

"Maybe I will."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2020 ⏰

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