11. Escapar [Escape].

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Y correr juntos al fin, juntos de la mano, a un solo beso de ti. Ser tu mitad en esto de vivir, por el resto de mis días.
Y escapar juntos de allí, juntos de la mano, dar un salto y sentir, la libertad y el valor de elegir regalarte mi vida.
Y besar cada despertar, de todas tus maneras que me quieras regalar.
Hacer de tu nombre una de esas palabras
con más valor que sentido.
Viviremos las sonrisas que nos debía el destino ★.

.Escapar. La Oreja De Van Gogh.


To be able to finally run together, holding each other's hands, just a kiss away from you. To be your half in this thing that we call living for the rest of my days.
To escape together, holding each other's hands. To jump and feel the freedom and the courage that gifting my life to you implies.
To kiss every awakening, in every one of your ways that you want to gift me.
To make your name one of those words with more value than meaning.
We will live through the smiles that the destiny owed us ★.

.Escape. La Oreja de Van Gogh.


Having so much to say while not being able to, was one of the most frustrating things Love had had to go through. 

At first, Love had had to endure P'Tangmo's madness, and had had to keep quiet because P' had not wanted to listen to what he had to say. Now that P'Tangmo had finally decided to open up and let him speak, practice was in the way.

After P' had admitted to having been present during Love's 'confession' talk with P'Vier, Love had blushed red, stuttered his way through an answer, and P' had laughed — quietly and softly, just like he did whenever Love did something he thought was cute — and had told him they could speak after practice, as they did not want to keep the rest of the guys waiting. Love's hearts had banged against his ribcage as if it were the sticks hitting the drums, and he had reluctantly nodded, following P'Tangmo to the studio in silence, only their steps being heard between them.

His heart had not shut up for even a second.

Love had tried to make it stop, but then P'Tangmo had glanced his way, and the progress he had been making had flown out.

What did he expect, though? P'Tangmo was back here next to him, smiling shyly as he guided Love. 

It wasn't until they had stepped foot inside the studio, and P' had removed the hand he had placed in Love's waist that Love noticed the gesture. Needless to say, as they all went through the dance routine, all that had been clouding Love's brain had been just that; the hand on his waist, the shy smile, the kiss on the cheek.

Love decided just then that he had already waited enough to talk, he could wait just a few hours more.

At least now P'Tangmo was not angry anymore. Love would wait him forever if he had to.

Yeah, Love would definitely wait for him.


Nuclear turned off the music, the room drowning in silence.

"Okay, guys, I think this is enough for today" he said, and started moving towards his belongings. "We should rest now, tomorrow we can keep going".

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