1. General Marguerite

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*Marguerite's POV*

"Attention, all officers. Report to the palace grounds, ASAP." Announcements blare as I was reading 'Tips on how to cure insanity' by Dr. Kevin Espejo. I sighed loudly, placed a bookmark between pages 122  and 123, closed the book, buttoned the remainder of my uniform and grabbed my military hat.

"Jeez, what is the buzz this morning?" I muttered to myself as I walked out the door. As soon as I came out the door, my bestfriends, 2nd Lieutenant Ivy Fisher, 1st Lieutenant Ansel Crane and Colonel Felicity Holloway walked in the hallways. As soon as they saw me, they ran like kids, Ansel tackling me to the ground.

"Ow! What the hell, Crane?" I sqeaked when he held me tightly. Don't get me wrong, this guy has a crush on me and he just acts like a shy gay man who can't admit an obvious crush on me.

"I just missed you, Marg! Damn General Frasier for sending you to Iceland for a routine mission." He blushes as he lets out his hand to help me stand up. I accepted his hand and held me up.

"So, how was the routine mission on Iceland, Rita?" asked Felicity. Their eyes were all trained on me, like I'm in a hotseat. I loosened my collar.

"It's boring. Good thing I carried my all time fave book and fur coat to battle the cold and loneliness." I pouted, earning a teasing laugh from Ansel, an eye roll from Felicity and look of concern from Ivy.

"It sounds like you were left alone there, Marguerite. Its like a torture to be alone on Iceland." Ivy points out, placing a hand on my shoulder. I smiled and ruffled her hair, earning a frustrated groan from her.

"Damn, I missed the Blonde gang aka you guys." I said, spreading my arms to give a group hug. Felicity scoffs but smiles. Ansel smiled cheekily. Ivy wipes a tear in her eye.

"Let's check what is the buzz in the palace grounds." I smirked as the four of us marched to the palace grounds. We were close to the venue when one guy bumps unto me and smirks as I fell unto the ground. I dusted off some dirt on my uniform, my ash grey eyes glaring at him.

"What the hell is your damn problem, soldier? Are you fucking blind or something?" I said, Felicity and Ivy helping me up. They also helped dusting my uniform.

"Have you no respect on Marguerite, douchebag?" Ansel hisses, curling his fists. Ivy placed a hand on his shoulder. He was breathing raggedly, still curling his fists.

"Ansel, quit it." Ivy soothes him. He uncurled his fists and looked my way. I smiled and saluted at him.

"It looks like that smug guy is a fresh meat, Rita." Ansel said, adjusting his tie. Felicity looked at the soldier who went into General Gustav Frasier's way.

"Or one of General Gustav's men torturing Marguerite." Felicity blurts out. Both Ivy and Ansel looked at her with shock. I just kneeled down to pick up my cap.

"Gustav loves to make fun of me. Of us, in general." I said, tightening my hold unto the cap I'm holding tight. The four of us stopped dead in our thoughts when my father, the King of Monaco, King Frederick Bordeaux spoke up.

"Monaco Royal Army. I'm sorry to interrupt your morning routines. But I have an important announcement to make." Father looks around the flock of uniformed men and women in the palace grounds. Some of them scratched their heads, others shook their heads in annoyance. Me and my friends just focused on my father.

"The British Royal Army needs our help. Someone high in their ranks betrayed the Army and the Queen of England Margaret's life is in danger right now as we speak." My eyes widened. The Queen of England's life... is in danger? I wore my cap and focused my eyes on my father quivering in the stage, holding the podium for support.

"The Queen herself asked help from us, the Monaco Royal Army. And she wants to have a personal bodyguard too, for additional safety." King Frederick darts his eyes on me. Even if the place has a fuckton of uniformed soldiers, my father can recognize me from afar. I held my cap lower to cover my face.

"And I told her that I'll send my best officer to be her guard." My face reddens as I continue to duck my head lower to avoid suspicion and further embarrassment.

"And I decided to send my best general and daughter, General Marguerite Anita Bordeaux to be her personal bodyguard." All heads whipped in my direction. Ansel, Felicity and Ivy looked at me, even if I can't see them, I can hear them gasping. The guy who bumped into me looked away when my head slightly faced him.

"Rita, come here onstage." Does Papa want me to dieeeee?? I thought to myself. I slowly walked up to the stage where my father, brother Marcel and other high-ranking officials are standing. As soon as I reached the stage, I raised my head high and shook my father's hand.

"Make me proud, Rita." And this is where I melt within.

And in that moment, I knew my life will change drastically. And my life will be FUCKED. (Literally and figuratively)


Wooh! that's a long way to write it!
So, as you know, Rita's life is in freaking shambles after her father annouced she's gonna be Queen Margaret's personal bodyguard.

thoughts? also what will be the reaction of the Blondes aka Ansel, Ivy and Felicity? also what will Rita's girlfriend say about this?

tune in next chapter in Princess of Monaco!

-pwincess mawguewite-

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