Your Gone Now

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People always say that what you dream about can come true. Well the one thing that they all ways forget to thing about is that nightmares are dreams to.

Every night I regret toning to bed what if I dream what if it happens played in my mind once again one more time and I'm just done trying to sleep. I understand you gone and can't come back but why the dreams. Wait they are true they all are aren't the py anymore because pits only one. On night, call, voices, day, fight, and devastation.

They don't get that while ya mabey you are fighting for your life. Ya I understand cancer is kicking you in the ass but what about us you do have kids who need help here. You don't remember the night but I do to me it was like it just happened perfectly clear in my mind and I can't make it go away.

A call during supper tears in his face discussed look on your face. Your in tears running screaming lacking your bags yelling at us to hurry we don't know why tho. We would ask what's wrong where are we going I run grab my one ting to this day I hate my tweety bird. I cried and hugged it to death I swear. So miles we go now to McCook, why because your grandpas in the hospital he had a heart attach.

Call after call mile after mile hour after hour, until now last call one time I'm terrified of you because if now. "Come to the house". I look up you cussing, yelling, in full out tears, and throwing your hat. He was gone but how not now I didn't say goodbye. It can't be true I slapped myself trying to wake up but it wasn't a dream it was real. And now it's all that I can dream about.

I love you-Grandpa-

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