"What, is Eloyse starting a ritual?" Tony grumbled. "Last time I saw her, she was in the exact same position, only it was a man. Oh, nevermind." he added as her position changed. Eloyse had cautiously lowered her hands, and was slowly edging towards Kanzia as she talked. "That's new. Last time she grabbed him and flipped him over her shoulder before I shot him."

"Heeellooo! Wake up! Why isn't somebody doing something? Eloyse is being held at gunpoint!" Steve's strained voice spoke over the comms.

Natasha grimaced, answering. "Because the person holding the gun happens to be an injured girl who apparently has a history with Eloyse. She doesn't seem inclined to fight her way out. But also looks like the kid is HYDRA, so I'm not sure what Eloyse is trying to accomplish."

They all watched in tense silence. Eloyse was standing by now, inching closer still. The pale girl was letting her gun drop further and further. Abruptly, Eloyse's hands clenched and she shuddered. Kanzia's gun came up. Eloyse was still talking. but appeared to be bringing her fast talking skills into play. She dropped to her knees again, obviously struggling with something.

"Hey, what's the matter with her?" Tony's faceplate flipped up, and he stared confused at Eloyse.

"Sir, it seems she is experiencing a low voltage of electricity." JARVIS volunteered. Tony's eyebrows went up.

"So.. she's getting shocked? How?"

"It would seem so." JARVIS politely responded. "It is originating from the bracelets around her wrists." Since his suit was open, Natasha and Clint heard.

Eloyse was talking quickly, recalling everything she could about Kanzia and their time together. The blue was steadily fading away, the normal cream color taking its place. Unexpectedly, Kanzia let her gun fall completely. At the same moment, Eloyse's bracelets upped the shock she was getting, and she sank down completely, covering her face with her hands in an attempt to block the threatening darkness. She was hyperventilating, and knew it. Suddenly she felt a pair of hands pull her sideways, hugging her against somebody warm and gentle. Eloyse accepted, trembling from the voltage coursing through her. Her breathing became more erratic, and she barely heard the soft voice speaking above her.

As quickly as it had come, it stopped. Eloyse went limp, temporarily unable to handle the complete lack of electricity. She kept her eyes closed as her mind cleared. Now she much more clearly sensed her surroundings. Worry was coming at her in waves, some of it Kanzia's, but mostly others. Eloyse opened her eyes and cautiously looked around. She was leaning against Kanzia, who had a concerned expression on her face.

"You alright?"

"Yea, m'fine." Eloyse nodded, still trying to catch her breath. Tony, Natasha, and Clint were around her. Suddenly Pietro appeared, carrying Wanda. He dropped her, both twins delighted with Eloyse.

"Little sister! You are ok!" Pietro quickly gave Eloyse a little kiss on each cheek. Wanda went for a hug. Eloyse willingly hugged her back. Kanzia stood up, pulling Eloyse up after her.

"I'm so sorry." she apologized, "I don't want to hurt you, ever."

"I know." Eloyse smiled. "They were controlling you. I think you're fine, now."

Bucky suddenly appeared in the group. "She'll be fine until they use her words and activate her again." he grumbled. He indicated Wanda, Natasha, and Clint. "Steve needs help, he asked for you three. Tony, his comm is down, too."

Tony scowled. "I think somebody was tampering with our comms." he growled, "Natasha's keeps quitting too." He flew away in search of Steve. Bucky and Pietro hurried off in a different direction. The other three raced after Tony, via ground, of course.

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