But he chose the latter.

"I guess I'll go now. Night." He said and in a second was out of the kitchen.

"Night." Lana whispered to herself.

She sighed. Of course. She didn't want to hurt him. And she knew exactly how it felt to not be loved back. If Lana staying away from Henry saved Henry heartbreak, then that was good.

She looked around a bit and then moved to the fridge to take out a water bottle. She started humming a song as she looked inside the fridge for a water bottle. Hurriedly gulping down water, she put the bottle back in, shut the door of the fridge and turned around to move out.

She walked down the corridors and reached her room.

She was just about to open the door of her room and enter, when it opened.

In a flash someone pulled her inside and shut the door again. Lana's front was pressed against the door while her back faced the invader.

"So you don't get affected?" He asked teasingly, his hands holding hers' behind her back.

Lana's breath hitched. She could feel her heart beat increasing. Her heart thumped hard against her ribcage, trying to escape the barrier. Her uneased breathing did nothing to calm her down.

Damien pressed further and a jabbing pain shot up Lana's hand. But that didn't matter. She wasn't able to take in his closeness. She could feel his bare chest against her back and the sensation was doing wonders to the pit of her stomach. It was turning into an all out Zoo.

"No. Not one bit." She said, her voice ever so confident. Of course she was good at faking confidence now. She has practiced this quality everyday since she came into this life of gangs.

Damien turned her over sharply in a quick movement, leaving atleast two hands distance between them.

And Lana took him in, in all his half-naked glory.

He was shirtless with his tracks hanging dangerously low at his hips. She hadn't seen him like this since a very long time. But she saw how much years of workout and strain had affected him. Changed him.

Her eyes trailed down from his messed up hair, down his chiseled face, the growing stubble accentuating his deep blue eyes, to his sculpted chest and then to-

She looked up sharply.


She had been blatantly staring and of course he had noticed.

Damien looked at her with predatory eyes. Light sky blue eyes darkening to match the colour of the night sky.

He took a step towards her slowly.

"So tell me," He walked to her. "When I come closer to you like this," He came in more, "do you not feel it?"

Lana's heart was in a frenzy.

"The lust. The desire. The need." He whispered. Lana gulped.

"When I hold your hand up like this," He caged her hands above her head, "Do you not like it?"

Lana couldn't breathe.

"When I brush back your hair like this," He put a strand of Lana's hair behind her ear, "Do you not crave the touch?"

Lana felt weak in her knees.

"When I look down at your lips, ever so slowly and stare at them," He paused, moving closer if it was even possible. "Do you not think what it would feel like?"

Lana was a breathless, senseless , writhing mess by the end of it.

At that moment, Damien let Lana's hands fall, and instantly wrapped his around her waist.

Lana brought her hands around his neck, and looked at his face, wanting it closer than it already was.

She gasped, out of breath. "Damien...."

And just then they were ready to let it happen, something that they had been avoiding since a long time.

Their lips came closer. They breathed in the same air. Their worlds mingled. They looked into each others eyes.

And there was a knock on the door.

Lana moved as the door shook behind her gently. She shook her head, clearing the daze that she was in. Damien moved away mumbling profanities at the intruder.

Lana turned around and opened the door.

At the door stood Henry. He looked at her and smiled. He couldn't look past her. He couldn't see Damien.

"I was wondering if you-" But before Lana could hear the end of that, she felt Damien push past her and walk off.

The Sweet Nothings || ✓Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα