“Wait what others” Conner asks looking between me and Jade.

“You will see when we get to the restaurant. Trust me I think you will get along great” Jade tells him giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Which restaurant are we going to?”

“Rainforest Café in Downtown Disney.”

“Oh my god I have been wanting to go there all day.”

“Well then let’s go meet the guys.”

“Wait guys” all the guys say at the same time.

“Oopps did I forget to mention all the others were guys? My bad, now come on this dinner is going to be interesting to say the least.” I can’t help but think how the guys are going to react to Jade’s mate. Probably interrogate him and make the whole you ever hurt her we will kill you speech. ‘Damn straight’ I hear in my head and can’t help but laugh a little.

“What’s so funny” Chad asks.

“Oh just thinking about the speech the guys are gonna give Conner” I say and laugh a little harder because of the ranting going on in my head. I hear Jade start to laugh harder as well and she runs up to me, leaving Conner, and linking arms with me.

“Are they really serious? They are not going to tell him all that are they” she asks laughing but trying to be serious.

“If I know Cole and Nick they are serious” I say laughing so hard we have to stop walking. ‘ENOUGH! We can’t even walk to the restaurant with you guys talking like that in our heads. If you don’t stop we will block you out.’

‘No we will stay quiet for now we promise’ they all say in unison. After about 2 minutes to collect ourselves we turn and see Conner and his buddies looking at us like we lost our minds. “Sorry pack business” I say smiling at them.

“Your pack is here? Are we going to have to meet the Alpha and get permission to take Jade with us?”

“Wait take me with you? Take me with you were” Jade asks her eyes wide with fear and she grips my hand.

“Yeah take Jade where? She is not leaving this pack.”

“Well when we get the Alpha’s permission…”

“I know the Alpha and the Alpha does NOT grant permission. She stays with us.” With that we turn around and walk to the restaurant with them behind us telling me I can’t make decisions without talking to the Alpha. ‘Hey guys as you heard I told them we were a pack but we have no pack name’ I say feeling kind of dumb but with everything that has happened we haven’t found time to discuss it and agree on a name.

How about Blood Moon’ Sam asks.

That is Seth’s pack name.’

Oh yeah’

‘What about twisted skulls’ Cole suggested.

Not all of us have skull birth marks.’


What about twisted wolf pack’ Jade pipes in.

Not all are going to be wolf like Cole and Conner aren’t.’

True, dang this hard’

What about Faith Pack’ Nick says. ‘It doesn’t have anything to with animals or beings.’

It doesn’t feel right.’ I say trying to think and then it hits me. ‘What about the Twisted Rose Pack? Everyone has a rose with its own color but twisted with its mark or animal.’

Twisted Fate (UN-EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now