My Abusive Husband Chapter 2

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3 months later,

I arrived at school early. I haven't seen anybody yet though. Wendy texted me that she will not be attending class today since its her parents' 20th anniversary. But she also texted me that her childhood friend Park Jimin is an earlybird which means I can talk to him, I just need to find him.

"Jimin-ah!" I screamed as I ran towards him. "Y/N-ssi, you're here already?" Jimin asked. "Well yeah. I don't have anyone to talk to yet so can we talk?" I explained "Sure!" he said as we walk towards the bench. We sat on the bench and he started our conversation. "Umm Y/N-ssi, can I get your number?" he asked politely while handling me his phone. "Sure" I said as I type my number on his phone.


*Bell Ringing*. "Oh the bell rang. I guess I should go to our own classrooms now" I said as I walk towards my classroom. As I was walking towards my course I saw Taehyung walking towards our classroom.

"Hey Y/N" he greeted and walked with me towards our course. "Hey.." I greeted back. "Lets go together?" he said while I wasn't listening since my phone is ringing. I answered the call and it was Wendy saying that she is going to school now. I was in shock that she is still going to school but I'm happy since I can be with my bestfriend. "What?" I replied to Taehyung "Nothing" he sighed. We walked together and arrived at our room. I sat on the seat where Wendy and I sat on everyday and of course Taehyung sat beside me. "Umm Taehyung, excuse me for a while. I gotta go to the bathroom" I explained.

I walked out of our room and headed towards the girls' bathroom.

While walking through the corridors. I passed through the lockers and saw Jimin getting something at his locker. He locked his locker and saw me. He walked towards me.

"Hi Y/N-ssi!" he cheerfully greeted me. "Hi!" I greeted him back. "Y/N, I want you to know something about me" he said "Mhm, what is it?" I asked. He stared at my eyes making direct eye contact with me. I looked down and broke the eye contact. He started to hold both of my hands, I felt his palm on mine. His skin felt so soft and smooth. "Umm Jimin, why is your hand s-so so- soft? What l- lotion do you u- use?" I asked akwardly since its the sweetest moment I've ever had in my whole entire life. His hand held on mine so tight even if I try to take my hand off his, I can't. "Y/N, I l-like you!" he said confidently. After I heard what Jimin said I took my hand off his. "Y/N, he said he likes you. What do you do?" I questioned myself in my mind "I think I should walk out of him" I continued. "Sorry Jimin I- I gotta go" I said but he held on my hand again. "Do you like-" he got cut off. "Y/N!" I heard someone scream my name. I looked back and saw Kim Taehyung. After hearing him scream my name, I let go of Jimin's hand. "What the f**king hell!" I heard Taehyung scream. I looked around my surroundings and saw Solji with her friends shocked. "The two epic hearthrobs of this school is fighting about Mrs. Innocent. O my f*ck! I can't resist this anymore!" Solji sweared.

"Why the f*ck are flirting with my girl?!" he blamed Jimin. "I'm not your girl" I whispered to Taehyung "Just shut up b*tch!" he sweared at me whispering. Jimin held on my left hand while Taehyung was holding onto my right hand. I looked at them and signaled them to let go of me but they didn't obey me. They were like playing tug of war but I was the rope. "Let go of me! Its painful!" I blamed at the two of them. I walked out and went in the girls' bathroom. I let my pee out of my body and headed out.

As I got out of the bathroom, I saw Jimin standing in front of the bathroom waiting for me. "Y/N I like you!" he confessed confidently "W- what?" I asked confusingly. I know that he told me that he liked me but I was confused so I replied 'What'. "I like you" he confessed one more time "I- I- I'm s- so- sorry J- Jimin b- but I l- like s- somebody e- else" I explained nervously. I felt guilty since its my first time to reject a boy. I felt embarassed in front of him so I walked out. I got back to our classroom and started classes.

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