Irresistible Deduction- 2

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When Sherlock woke up that morning, he buried his face deep in his blankets. Sure he had a comfy bed that Mycroft had provided him with, much comfier than the one he had at the flat, but it was the familiarality of home that he adored so much here. He pulled the blankets up a little bit more and snuggled in them for a few minutes until John called him from the kitchen.

"Sherlock!" he piped happily, sounding a little like Mrs. Hudon. "I made tea and breakfast." Sherlock could smell bacon and pulled himself out of bed, throwing on a robe and walking towards the kitchen.

"Good morning John, since when do you make breakfast?" Sherlock asked, plopping down at the table and taking a long sip of tea, his throat burning. 

"Since I found out you weren't dead." he replied sheepishly and Sherlock nodded a thanks. John slipped a plate of eggs and bacon near Sherlock and Sherlock shook his head.

"Thank you John, but I'm not hungry." Sherlock replied, pushing the plate away. He didn't want to hurt John's feelings, but he rarely ate. At first it was because of being deep in cases, and he didn't want to waste energy digesting, but now he usually didn't eat food because he didn't find it necessary.

John quietly groaned. "Sherlock, you need to eat, you're so thin." John complained, pushing the plate closer to Sherlock. To humor him, Sherlock ate a couple tiny bites and John smiled. "At least that's something." he said, taking a sip of his pomegrante blackberry tea.

"We should get back on cases. Immediately." Sherlock announced, keeping his eyes on the book he was reading, a detective story, where the detective was utterly horrible and wrong.

"Well, actually Sherlock, I kind of have a new job, as a doctor." John replied, turning towards the kettle on the stove. "But maybe I'll think about."


Sherlock glanced at the clock, 8:00pm. He was sitting in Lestraude's office sipping a cup of coffee, something he didn't drink much. He had just solved his first case in two years and he was estatic. Still in a giddy mood, he decided to call John.

"John!" Sherlock exclaimed into the phone.

"Yes Sherlock?" 

"Let's go get some drinks at the pub near that Fish and Chips place."

"Only because it's Friday and I don't have to work tomorrow. See you there in ten."

Sherlock hung up the phone and smiled, grabbing his coat and slipping his phone in his pocket.


"More shots waiter!" John exclaimed, his words slurred. They had been at the bar for about twenty minutes, but they both got drunk rather quickly.

"This is fun John!" Sherlock laughed, getting a fuzzy feeling saying John's name. Sherlock finally realized how attractive John was, how his eyes crinkled when he laughed, and how he had a few freckles near his nose. His dimples were adorable.

After they drank the next shot, John stood up. "Maybe we should go." John was giggling, and Sherlock started giggling too.

Ten mintues later they were in a cab headed back to 221B Baker street. As they stumbled into the house, Mrs. Hudson walked out, already exsasperated by their nonsense. She ended up having to help both of them up to the flat.

"You boys are ridiculous." she sighed, slamming the door to the flat, leaving them laughing hysterically on the floor. "And it's only 9:30." she exclaimed trough the door.

"Wanna play a game?" John suggested, pulling him self unsteadily off the floor. Sherlock nodded his head excessively and John laughed. "Let's play Truth or Dare!"

Sherlock and John sat facing each other on the floor, both of them with a beer in their hands. Sherlock would be asking John first. "Truth or Dare?" Sherlock asked.

John chose dare, and Sherlock dared him to go flash his butt to Mrs. Hudson down stairs. Walking down the stairs both of them were laugh/crying about what John was going to do. John banged on the door and Mrs. Hudson opened the door, shaking her head.

"What do you boys want?" she asked, holding a dish rag in her hand. John turned around and pulled down his pants, earning a shout from Mrs. Hudson as she slapped him in the arm. "Go up to your flat now! I have to act like I'm your bloody mother!" before she slammed the door, she added, "I'm calling your's tomorrow Sherlock!"

When they both got upstairs, the laughter had finally ceased and they were still drunk but much more calmed down. 

"Truth or Dare, Sherlock?" John asked, and Sherlock replied with truth, keeping it safe. "Have you ever peed in a swimming pool before?" John asked, giggling a tiny bit. Sherlock thought John's giggle was adorable and he smiled.

"Yes, once when I was two and once when I was eight." Sherlock laughed and his eyes squinted. "Now my turn, Truth or Dare John?" 

"Dare, I guess I'm more of a thrill seeker than you." John winked, crossing his legs pretzel style. 

"I dare you to..." Sherlock felt nervous in his slurred mind. "I dare you to kiss me." 

John cocked his head to the side, and laughed. "Well that's an odd dare but sure thing." Sherlock instantly regretted daring John to do so, obviously John didn't feel the same way Sherlock did. Sherlock liked John and John would never like Sherlock. 

John got up and sat down closer to Sherlock, their faces an inch away from each other. John wouldn't remember any of this tomorrow, but Sherlock would. Sherlock remembered everything important, drunk or not. 

John leaned in closer and Sherlock's heart began to race. Then John kissed Sherlock's lips.

*** Hey guys, it's Maddie. Tell me what you guys thought of this, and whether or not I should continue it :)

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