Chapter 3

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Jim and Pam do their best to get (M/n) to eat something during his break but they don't make much head way. After his break he sits back at his desk. About ten minutes later Dwight stands and makes his way to the vending machines. (M/n) discretely follows him with his eyes.
"Do I like Dwight? I mean... yeah I guess. Maybe?" (M/n) gives a sheepish look "Ok yeah I like him. But he's with Angela and he doesn't like guys."
Jim and Pam
"Oh he's totally got it for Dwight." Jim says.
"I think they'd work better together than Angela honestly." Pam says.
"I don't think (M/n) likes me no. He likes similar things that I do but I keep my distance. Do I want to keep my distance? I don't know, he is... an intriguing person."
"Did he really say that?" He breaks out into a smile.
(M/n) continues to sneak glances at Dwight and then he spots Angela making her way to where Dwight is. She stand at the water cooler and Dwight is across the room but it looks like they're talking to one another. (M/n) glances at his computer before stealing more glances at Dwight. Then Angela storms out and glares at him. (M/n) look down sadly and embarrassed. Jim gives him a sympathetic look.

Phyllis's wedding is in a couple of days and (M/n) is not ready. He knows that Dwight and Angela won't dance in front of anyone but he's afraid he'll walk in on them dancing somewhere. Plus he doesn't feel that confident in himself.

Nothing else really happened that day.

The Wedding Day
(M/n) was at Jim's house getting ready for the wedding.
"Are you sure I look good?" (M/n) asks looking at himself in a full length mirror.
"You look amazing (M/n), don't worry about."
"Do you think Dwight will notice me?" (M/n) mumbles. Jim turns (M/n) to look at him.
"He would be crazy not to notice you. But he is seeing Angela so most likely nothing will happen." Jim says and (M/n) smiles.
"I'm going to bring a sweatshirt in case I, ya know, get cold."
"Or you're bringing it if you get insecure about yourself, which is ok. You don't have to lie about this to Pam or I." Jim says handing (M/n) his sweatshirt and bag. (M/n) nods and takes the bag and sweatshirt. (M/n) is dressed in a deep blue dress shirt, black tie, black blazer, and tight-ish pants. (M/n) takes one last look over in the mirror after Jim walks away and fixes his hair a bit.
"(M/n) you look great, quit worrying!" (M/n) rolls his eyes and follows Jim to the car. This could either be one of his best night or he could end up crying in the bathroom.

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