Chapter 3

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Niall Horan POV

I waited patiently at my parental house after I rang the bell. It had started snowing on my way down here. A small blanket of white slowly covered the ground.

It took only a second until the door opened. "Yeah what can I do for-" my dad stopped talking as recognition flashed across his face. "Niall? What on earth are you doing here?" a smile spread across his face.

"Considering I'm a free man now, I figured I'd come and stay for a bit," I grinned. Dad let out a laugh and pulled me into a hug.

"Oh son," he laughed as he patted my back. "It's ok though, isn't it?" I asked him, a little hesitant.

"You mad? Of course, it is! Come in, come in!" dad practically dragged me inside. I smiled and closed the door behind us.

"Want a drink? I've got beer in the fridge," dad offered. "Ah, that'd be nice," I smiled. Dad walked off to the kitchen.

The interior still looked the same as it had for years. Dad had only added new pictures of me, my brother and his wife and my nephew Theo. I sat down on my old spot: the chair looking out the front window.

"You're hungry Niall?" dad called from the kitchen. "No, I ate some at the airport," I replied. Despite that, he still brought a bowl of nuts and a bowl of crisps with him.

"Thanks, dad," I said when he handed me one of the beers he held. The rest he put on the coffee table.

"So what actually brings you here? I thought you'd stay in L.A to record some songs for a solo album," dad said. I nodded. "Yeah it was my plan to do so," I nodded, "But I was at this party and I just didn't like it anymore. The city, the people... I don't know." I shrugged.

"Well, I'm not complaining," dad shrugged as he threw a fist full of nuts in his mouth.

"How're things there?" I asked as I took a swing from my beer.

"It's been quiet," dad nodded, "But I'm sure that'll change when they find out you're back in town."

I sighed and nodded. "I offered to pay for a gated house," I reminded him. "Aye, you did, but I'm not about that stuff Niall. You're staying up at the mansion, aren't you?" dad asked. I nodded.

"When they realize you're not here, they'll leave me be."

" I hope they will for your sake." I put my beer down. "How's Greg?"

"Ah, well," dad scratched his neck. "He's grand, so he is. But I don't think he will once he learns of your return."

"Just as I expected," I nodded. Dad sighed. "You know what he's like Niall. I mean, you missed a few Christmases and birthdays during your career. I'm not as bothered by it as Greg, I know you were doing your job. But Greg... Well, he doesn't understand it as well as I do," dad tried to explain.

"It's alright," I reassured him. "I get that he's angry. I'll go visit him tomorrow, I think," I thought.

"Well, best bring some luck with you son," dad muttered as he took another swig of his beer.

"Yeah, I'll try not to forget," I sighed.

"So what's up in town? Anything exciting happened lately?" I changed subjects.

"Ah, no same old same old. Small towns never change, they don't," dad smiled. "Still got the same neighbours. Except for across, of course. You know what happened to the old Hennessey, right?"

I averted my eyes. "Aye, I've heard.'

"It's a shame you were in, what was it, Australia? Saoirse never looked that lost before," dad spoke, keeping an eye on me. I blanked my face.

"Melbourne, yes," I nodded.

"She's back in town, did you know? She's got her PhD at NUI Galway. She's an art teacher at you two's old secondary school."

"She's become a teacher?" I asked dad, trying not to sound too eager.

"Oh aye. I speak to her sometimes, downtown, at pubs as well. She's done alright for herself, she did. She's living on the other end of town, Petiswood Manor, I think it was. She's not changed a bit, wee Saoirse."

"I bet she won't be all too happy to see me," I muttered. "Her and Greg could start a club for that matter."

"Oh, please. Your brother might be stubborn, but the Saoirse we know is quite forgiving."

"Yeah, but I crossed a line I shouldn't have crossed," I muttered, staring into the distance. "I won't be able to make up for that, dad. We both know that."

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