(Time Skip: the bus dropped him off and he's walking towards the main building.)

God I really don't want to do this right now. I don't wanna have to deal with these stuck up heroes and students and...
"Ahh!" I yell as I tripped. But, my face didn't reach the ground.
"What the..." I say as I realize I'm no longer falling, but I'm, hovering...
"Sorry about that! I used my quirk to save you from falling! I'm Ochako Uraraka!" She says in a disgustingly cheery voice.
"Hey, your the girl I saved in the entrance exam!" I say with a little too much excitement in my voice.
"That was you who saved me? Well then, think of this as returning the favor!" She says.
I stand up and dust off my clothes. I face her and try to put on a fake smile.
All of the sudden, her facial expression changes to nervousness.
"Oh, y-you have f-fangs" she says, stuttering. I feel my face burning with anger. I hate it when people just assume things about me just because of my teeth. Even though... most of the thoughts are probably true.
"Ya. What of it?" I say in an annoyed tone.
"Oh, it's n-nothing I-" she says with out finishing.
I had already started walking towards the main school building, with her behind me.

After a few minutes of wandering and asking people if they knew where class 1-A was, I finally reached two gigantic doors with 1-A painted on them.
This must be the place. Ughhhh. I hate this already. I just have to find out all mights weakness and then I'm out of here.
When I opened the doors I saw a bunch of people. A the annoying kid from the entrance exam was there, he was telling Bakugo to get his feet of the desk. Those were the only two I recognized. As soon as Bakugo noticed me, he took his feet off the desk and tried to look away. His face was bright red. I took note of his nervous state and walked over to him. I smiled sadistically, slammed my foot on his, and then sat in the desk behind him.
"Hey you! That wasn't very nice!" The blue haired kid said while waving his arms in air.
I look him in the eyes and growl.
"Do I look like I care?" I say, laughing to myself.
He must have noticed my teeth because he stopped bugging me about it.

After all the desks had been filled, the doors to the classroom opened and what walked in was a... yellow slug? I was confused at first but then the "slug" was revealed to be a sleeping bag with our home room teacher inside.
"Hi, I'm your home room teacher, you can call me Aizawa Sensei" He says while yawning and pulling down his sleeping bag zipper.
That's the pro hero Eraserhead. I have him written down somewhere in my notebook.
"Good morning Aizawa Sensei!" Everyone says in delight, except me, of course.
"We'll start by introducing ourselves to the class. State your name, your quirk and... I don't know, say your favorite food or something." He says as he sits at his desk. I cringe at his last statement.
Crap what am I going to say? My favorite food is blood?!?
"Lida your first"
The stupid blue haired kid gets up and says that his name is Tenya Lida. I take out my hero notebook and start taking notes of everyone that goes up. I write their name and their quirk and "tbd" (to be determined) for information I don't know... yet.

After at least 3/4 of the class had gone up, Eraserhead says "Midoriya it's your turn."
With a scowl, I get up from my seat and walk to the front of the class.
"Hi my name is Izuku Midoryia." I say as I start to walk back to my seat.
"You must state your quirk and something about yourself, like a favorite movie or food." He says, obviously annoyed at my ignorance.
I mumble about how much I hate heroes under my breath and then begin to walk back to the front of the class.
"My quirk is called Blood Control" I say, trying not to grin.
"Basically if I drink someone's blood, I can control them. That's what these are for" I say, pointing to my fangs.
I see the blood drain from everyone in the class's face. Everyone starts to whisper how villainous my quirk is, but I don't care.
"How did you even pass the exams then?" A kid who stated his name was Sero said.
"Good question. With my quirk, I can also transform my arm into a sword" I say, flicking my wrist as it transforms into a sword and back.
"Hey dude I have a question too" a yellow haired kid who was called Kiminari.
"What." I say, with a growl.
The entire class sits up straight.
Boy, do I love my fangs...
"You say you have to drink blood in order for your quirk to work, does blood taste good to you?" Kiminari asked.
Then entire class turned and looked at him with wide eyes as if to say "why the heck would you ask that?!?"
With a chuckle, I answer.
"As a matter of fact, ever since I've developed my quirk, my tastebuds have adapted, I can no longer eat regular food like you all do. Only blood." I say, a smile creeping up onto my face.
"So don't piss me off."
I didn't think it was possible, but the classes faces turned even more pale than before.
"Does that answer your question?" I say, staring into Kiminari's eyes.
"So you K-kill people... and drink their b-blood to e-eat" He says.
"Maybe..." I whisper just loud enough for the class to hear.
As I walk back to my seat, I notice everyone, even Eraserhead, had froze in their seats.
God this is so funny! I wish I could take a picture and send it to the league!
"Jeez you guys look terrified! It's not like I'm going to kill you!" I say, laughing.
"Who's next?"

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