"Don't make us use force."

Geneva groaned internally. She did not want to deal with this right now. "Please," she drawled, her usual self momentarily surfacing through the waves of sadness. "I know my rights."

The man simply ignored her words and looked over her shoulder. "Cap, they want you back at SHIELD."

"Yeah, give me a second," she heard him reply in a slightly agitated voice. Geneva turned, she hadn't even realized that Natasha and Steve were having a heated conversation a few feet behind her.

"They want you now," Rumlow insisted rudely. Gen couldn't stand pushy or rude people. He tended to be both.

When Steve moved away from Natasha, Geneva attempted to go and comfort her friend, but Rumlow caught her wrist. "You're not going anywhere Blake."

Her eyes darted to the man and back to where Natasha stood, only to find that she was no longer there. Geneva snatched her hand back, shooting him a glare.

"Let's go," Steve said, gently grabbing Geneva's arm and pulling her forward. Rumlow moved ahead of the two.

"Cap," she whispered. "Let's not go back."

"We can either go quietly or they make a scene," he muttered, releasing her arm.

She shrugged. "Personally, I think we can take them." In her peripheral she saw him smile halfheartedly.

"No doubt."

There was a pause, but then Geneva spoke.
"We can't trust anyone."

Steve's next words surprised her immensely. "We can trust each other."


Geneva's charcoal grey catsuit clung to her body. Her gun had long since been confiscated and the suit felt empty with a lack of weapons. The atmosphere of SHIELD headquarters had noticeably changed with the death of Fury. Yet, it wasn't sadness that she sensed, it was something else; something she couldn't pinpoint.

"Let's make this quick," she said as she met Steve in the hallway.

"Something tells me that this'll be anything but." Briskly, they made their way to Alexander Pierce's office. The older man was speaking with Sharon, but their conversation ended as Steve and Geneva approached.

"Captain Rogers, Agent Blake," she let out as she passed them.

"Neighbor," Steve said coldly. Geneva simply greeted her with a quiet 'hello'.

"Agent, Captain. I'm Alexander Pierce." The man held out his hand to Geneva first and she shook it twice before letting go.

"Sir, it's an honor," Steve said, shaking the man's hand. Geneva definitely admired Cap's ability to be as polite as he was in this situation.

"The honor is mine, Captain. My father served in the 101st," Pierce's eyes moved to Geneva. "I also worked with Louis before he went rogue."

The woman narrowed her eyes slightly. "Is that supposed to mean something." Just hearing that name made Geneva clench up in anger.

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