Chapt. 1

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The rain thunderd over head as mud blew up under the horses hooves, long neighs and snorts flew out of the horses lungs as it threw its head tossing its mane. "Easy boy" a voice whisperd apon the horse, pulling the reigns but the horse just spead up pinning its ears.

Lightning blew the sky lighting it up in white blazes, "whoah" the rider spoke again to the horse but in a blink of  eye the horse reared throwing its rider to the ground into the slushy mud. The horse bolted without its rider into the distance.

"Its a girl.." a mans voice boomed over the girl still laying nocked out in the mud, "maybe we should kill her" an irish voice said after, "ow!!" he repeated. "No! We cant just leave her here.... She could be a Van Der Linde Gang member! She could be of use to us!" another voice said. The girl began to move and grown but was then nocked out again by the handle of a rifle.

The girl was waken by a strong smelling cold liquide poured onto her face, she woke up coughing and gasping for air as she went to wipe her face her arms rejected to go any farther and the feeling of the cold metal finally woke her sences up, she looked behind her and noticed she was chained to a post. She looked up in a panic and saw 5 men looking down at her noticing she was in a camp.

"where am i? Let me go!" she Yelled struggling to free her arms. She kicked her feet out looking up at the laughing men. A man with black hair with a bushy beared loomed over her, "whats your name girl?" he asked with a scratchy irish accent. She shook her head spitting onto his boot, he stomped at the dirt smacking her across the face holding her neck in a choke hold, "whats. Your. Name. Bitch!" he yelled back.

She winced at the sting in her cheek and gulped for air, "Isabelle!" she managed to choke out. He nodded as the other 3 men walked away but another man with dark brown hair with huge sideburns stuck around with the beared man, "now.. Are you a Van Der Linde Gang member!" the dark brown haired man demanded. Isabelle shook her head, "the gang from BlackWater? No! Im not even an Outlaw!" she yelped out.

The bearded man put his revolver to her head, "tell me the truth!" he screamed. "I am sir! Im not an outlaw! Do you see my clothes!?" she said jestering to her clothing, Isabelle was wearing a tucked in brown top with a long navy blue skirt being held up by a black belt. "Alot of Van Der Lindes girls wear clothing like you!" he spat back at her. "But im not!"

She choked back on her tears, she was tired and hungry, she longed to be in a hot steaming bath cleaning her light brown hair that was now a pulled out messy bun at the back of her head. He went to slap her again and she closed her eyes bracing it.

"Enough!!" a voice boomed out over the camp, she opened her eyes seeing a man with long grey hair ride in on a huge black stallion. He dismounted and walked over to the 2 men and herself. A bloody image apeared in my mind reconizing the face....

Colm O'driscoll. Isabelle stuggled and kicked trying to free herself as he stopped infront of them, "so this is the girl you found last night.... I know you.." he said shaking his hand pointing towards her, "your parents were Faith and Thompson.. I had fun with your parents i will tell ya that" he said smiling shaking his head. She glared at him and shook her head. "Youve grown into a lovley lady.. You were just a teenager when i met you..i killed your father and raped your mother then killed her.." tears rolled down Isabelles eyes at the terrible memory.

"Hueghs, Unswerth bring this lovely lady to my cabin.." he said leading his horse off towards the hitching posts. The men Hueghs and Unswerth unchained Isabelle and dragged her over to Colms cabin at the edge of camp pushing her inside and closing the door, Colm looked at Isabelle and smirked, "your mother had an amazing time with me and now you get too" he said slowly making his way over to her.

She backed away but he grabbed her arm pinning her to the wall, "get ready deary... Your gonna have a wonderful time" he whisperd into her ear. And just like that Isabelle was raped and that was her night.

Sorry for the short chapter... But this is just the start!

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