Chapter 47: Wind Behind the Rain

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Once outside, Annie took the lead and started back down the road. On the way, a jeep rolled past with Nixon in the passenger seat. He was wearing his harness and looked pretty disgruntled, so the sight left Annie wondering about what had happened to him and pushed the thought of George and the German woman out of her head altogether.

George, however, was sure he would be mentally kicking himself all day because of it. "Nice one, stud," Frank teased his friend, knowing full well how much he fancied the blonde medic. 

"Shut up, Frank." George huffed as he kicked at a rock with his boot.

"No, I'm serious." Frank adjusted the helmet full of eggs in his arms. "Women love nothing more than when you actively seek out other women." 

George shot Frank a death glare. "I'm serious. Shut the hell up," he snapped before making sure Annie was far enough ahead to not hear them. "I mean, I'm getting desperate here man. I'm doing everything I can and I'm pretty sure she still has no idea I even like her."

"That's probably because she's a little preoccupied with this little thing called war." Frank shrugged, his smart-ass remark earning yet another glare. "Besides, she's too wrapped up in trying to get Margot to speak to her again right now. If you really want to confess your undying love for her, maybe wait until the war is over, everyone is still alive, and she isn't knee-deep in work all the time."

George nodded as he shoved his hands in his pockets. "Yeah, you're probably right."

"I know I'm right," Frank stated. "Although, I would try to make a move sooner rather than later or Liebgott is gonna wrap his skinny little chicken arm around your girl and ride off into the sunset with her." 

"Frank-" George warned.

"What?" Frank questioned. "You know it's true. You can't tell me you don't see how much time she spends talking to him. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he already has her wrapped around his finger. You love Annie, Joe loves Annie, Annie knows nothing, and you both hate each other. It's really quite entertaining to watch. Some of us have a bet on who she's gonna choose in the end."

George's eyes lit up. "What?"

"Yeah." Frank placed a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder. "You wouldn't like the odds if I told you."

"You're a terrible friend, Frank." George slapped Frank's hand off of him.

Frank smirked. "You left me alone with the chicken. We're even."


Later in the day, around noon, Nixon had gathered up the company so he could read the weekly newsletter to them and fill them in on any new and important information that they needed to be aware of. 

Annie, who by that point had completely forgotten about the morning incident with the German woman, was sitting beside George and participating in a small game of cards that some of the men had started up. 

Margot was sitting a few seats away with Babe and Malarkey, her feet up on the empty chair in front of her and her arms crossed behind her head, enjoying the sun. She didn't even bother to glance in Annie's direction. She figured that when she was ready to talk things out, she would know it; and thus far, she didn't feel like talking things out yet.

"'The cooperative for American remittance for Europe, or CARE, has begun assembling food packages stateside to assist those European families in dire need.' Which is presumably all of them." Nixon's voice was monotone as he read from the clipboard in his hands. "So, ugh, notes home to your families reminding them to donate whatever they can would be much appreciated. I'm sure that you'll all be happy to know 'Oklahoma's' still playing on Broadway."

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