CHAPTER 1: Walking Through Fire

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      Why is this happening? Edgar thought to himself. Everything was fine a couple days ago, but today, his friends got kidnapped and he was trying to find magical jewels in order to save the world. Yep, totally an average day.

       Faith looked at Edgar, who lay on his back, looking up at the stars. They were camping in the boggy marsh by Magamaglow Spire.The Elders previously had given Edgar a mental image of the village built at the base of a volcano, where he would find the Ruby. Hoa had warned him of the creature inside the volcano, guarding the Ruby. He had then instantly transported Edgar and Faith to the marsh. The sky was dark, but clustered with thousands of stars, no two exactly alike.

      Faith alighted beside the spider, her wings tickling his ear. "Do not fret, we can get through this. Keep in mind, you're doing this for your friends."

      Just the mention of Charley and Barley was enough to put Edgar on the verge of tears again. Great. The last thing he needed was to start crying like a baby in front of a fairy. Thankfully, Faith was nice enough not to mock him.

     Faith dabbed at the iridescent tears that had penetrated his defenses anyway. "I didn't mean to cause you pain, but I didn't want to give you false hope."

      The conversation ended abruptly, and Faith fell asleep under a leaf. Edgar, however, had a difficult time finding sleep. How could he, when his friends were out there and the weight of the world was resting on his shoulders?

     Apparently, the weight of the world was also resting on his eyelids, because he fell asleep shortly after.

      The morning dawned with dark clouds, casting an ominous light over the spire. Edgar gently shook Faith awake and carried her in his hand to the village. A blond girl with bright red eyes awaited at the entrance. "Code phrase, please."

   "Follow the path and never look back," Edgar said, remembering the phrase Hoa had given him.

      The girl nodded. "Welcome to Magmaglow." She opened the gate, and a gust of icy wind blasted through the opening. Something was wrong. Something strange.

     The ceremonial torches were not lit, and the sconces were frozen over. The adobe buildings, however, were fine. Many people milled about, wearing fiery colors. All had red eyes.

       Edgar was somewhat intimidated by all the fire members. They all regarded him with either interested or disdainful looks. One thing was painfully clear - they were wondering what the heck an anthropomorphic spider and a fairy were doing in their village.

      Out of nowhere, harsh ringing interrupted the steady flow of chatter. The Fire Chieftain, Rojo, was clanging a bell. "Ladies and gentlemen, it has come to my attention that we have an unexpected visitor in our midst."

     Edgar tensed. This was it. He'd been recognized. Knowing he couldn't back down now, he held his head high and strode forward, trying his best to ignore the stares and whispers.

    "So tell me lad, why are you here? I hope I didn't scare you. Haha." Rojo was calm and inviting. Beside him stood a girl with dark hair and tan skin. Her gaze was fixed on Edgar. Her eyes reminded him of Jinx.

    Edgar swallowed. All he had to do was say it. "I... I'm looking for... the Ethereal Stones."

    An audible gasp escaped the crowd, and now every pair of eyes landed upon Edgar.

    "You are the des-destined one. W-w-welcome, wise one," Rojo stuttered. "But... you're so young! We waited years and a young spider is here?"

   "Go easy on him, Rojo," said the girl. Her voice was smooth. "If the Elders chose him, then he must have potential. They would not risk sending someone who had no chance. But if the Destined One is here... that means... the Apparitionist is rising again."

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