A Cosmic Hostess (Cosmos POV)

Start from the beginning

Pinkie/Bubble- *excited* Neat!

Rainbow/Blitz- *shocked* What is it?

Applejack- *unamused at Rainbow and Blitz* Surely, someponies that spend so much time in the clouds knows what the stars look like?

Twilight/Dusk- *looks closely* We know these stars...

Cosmos- *shocked* What?!

*the hologram expands higher sending the Mane 6 and Colt 6's throne's back*

*the twelves muzzles drop in shock*

Pinkie/Bubble- *excited* It's full of stars!

Twilight- *happily* It's the Andalusian constellation! We found it!

Cosmos- *shocked* She knows the constellation?!

Applejack/AJ- *confused* Say what now?!

Twilight- *excited* The Andalusian! It's a series of stars that showed up in the night sky one day ages ago, centuries ago!

Cosmos- *her expression turns from shocked to an evil grin* Yes...

Dusk- *smiles* Star charts everywhere had to be changed! It's the biggest astrological anomaly ever!

Rainbow/Blitz- *rolls eyes* Riveting...

Twilight- *goes over to a wall of charts and pulls out one* Then one day the whole constellation went dark. *unrolls the paper revealing the same stars on paper* This necklace...these points on the map...they're stars!

Cosmos- *looking over the papers* *darkly* Yes!

Dusk- *smiles at Rarity* Rarity, by finding this necklace you may have stumbled upon a clue to solving the biggest cosmic mystery of all time!

Rarity- *brushes her mane* Well we do have excellent taste in jewelry and adventure.

Spike- *sighs* So we can't eat it, right?

Twilight- *smiles calmly* Sorry you two...

Barbra- *sighs* *eating a box of soylent emeralds*

Twilight- *puts the chart on a stand and looks over it*

Cosmos- *laughs darkly* Oh, my dear Twilight Sparkle...from this moment forward...you belong to me and ONLY ME! *her form changes into pink mist and spreads across Twilight's mindscape*

Rainbow- So what do we do? Just find all these things and fling them up back into the sky?

Applejack- *looks* Seems simple enough...I mean, we have a map where to look.

Blitz- *arches eyebrow* And fling them back up into the sky part?

AJ- *smirks* Well we can kick mighty hard...

Butterscotch- *calmly* I think it's a nice change of pace from our series of events...no monsters or creatures trying to take over the world.

Fluttershy- *smiles* A scavenger hunt for stars sounds like a fun and safe adventure.

Twilight- *her eyes are pink with a hungered expression while looking at the chart* And think of the research opportunities! We can find out what the magical qualities of the stars are, what made them fall, where they came from...we can learn all the things!

Cosmos- *with her eyes glowing pink grinning darkly* Yes my dear, you will learn all the things about me...

Rarity/Elusive/Applejack/AJ/Dusk- *looks in concern at Twilight*

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