"What are you working on?" She asked kneeling besides her one and only son, but frowning at ther picture when she saw five people instead of four, and one of the five people was shadded in a red colour when smoke going around him stading almost right behind Zayn.

"A family picture!" Zayn smiled sweetly while stepping aside so his mama could see it properly. It was a little messy since he didn't have the same steadiness as he did when it came to drawing in his regular headspace, but it was still fairly good, "It isn't finished though."

Trisha stared in slight fear at the drawing. She knew that her son was...'specail', and she knew about the things he could do. She was even a victem of them once. Even though Zayn constatnly says that it wasn't him that did it to her. Trisha still can't bring herself to believe him cause, there was no way Zayn's imagination could have done that. "How about we go to the park instead alright?" Zayn went to protes but Trisha stopped him. "I'll even buy you ice cream."

At that the suggestion was a go, and Zayn was quick to put his crayons and toys up. Putting his jacket on along with his hat sense it was October, and already really cold. Zayn bent down to tie his shoes, and smiled when his mother , helped him up to his feet and holding the door open for him, slowly walking them across the street and down the block to the park. The tan boy looked down at the ground the whole way there and didn't speak, and instead listened to Valac talk about the too many people there. Making his way to the swing set, Zayn got on and watched as his mother sat on the bench where the other mommies were sitting. Feeling Valac leave his mind and appear in his snake form on Zayn's lap, Zayn smiled and looked down at him and rubbed his fingers over the scales of the snake. Smiling at the slight hissing sound Valac made, Zayn smiled and let the snake slither up his arm as two other boys came over to him.

"Hey weirdo! Are you playig with your imaginary friend?"

"Look at the loser, he's such a baby. No wonder he has to make up his own frineds."

The first and second boy said before laughing at the hurt and sadness on Zayn's face. "Be quiet you jerks!"

After that it happened so fast. The second boy that was taller than the other, had pushed Zayn off of the swing causing him to fall on his back with a scream. After Zayn hit the ground, Valac basically roared with rage inside of Zayn's head. Slithering his way to the two boys, Valac curled up before he hissed loudly and lundged forward biting the shorter boy's leg. The poisen kicked in almost immeditaly causing the lad to fall over and become sleep to the world. Zayn watched with wide eyes, and looked at the parents who had gathered around he scene. The mother of the dead boy ran over to her son, and fell to her knees crying out. The other lad just stood there, obviously being terrified. Zayn went to say something, but closed his mouth instantly when he felt Valac in his head, and the demon telling him to: Run.

•••Flashback over•••

Once Harry's vision came back fully, he quickly stepped back from Zayn and gasped. "Y-you...the little boy! You..what the actual fuck was that?!"

Zayn sighed and put his hands up to try and calm Harry down a bit. However his attempts seemed to be futile as the lad continued to question him, without giving him anytime to actually answer the questions. "If you just let me explain then thigs would start to make sense to you." Zayn said in a stern loud voice, succesfully causing Harry to be silent. Sighing, Zayn held his fingertips to his temple before taking a deep breath. "..I Have a demon in my head, I'm his host."

Harry looked at Zayn blankly for a few seconds, before his eyes widened, and his hands started to shake. Taking slow steps away from Zayn, Harry turned around quickly and sprinted for the door. Zayn frowned as he saw Harry running, and traveled through the shadows to get to the door before him. "Why the hell are you running?!"

"Oh I don't know?! Maybe it has to do with the fact that you have a damn murderous demon inside of your head!? Or maybe it has to do with you being able to shoot fire out of your mind!" Harry said glaring at the lad in front of him. "I've seen this crap in movies, and I'm not gonna be that dumb ass female character that stays and gets killed in her sleep."

Zayn rolled his eyes and huffed. "Stop being so melodramatic curly. I'm not gonna kill you in your sleep." he said crossing his arms over his chest and looking into Harry's bright green eyes, that glared into his own with frustration and slight fear.

"Melodramtic? You're telling me to stop being melodramatic when you literally showed me a flashback of a damn kid dying cause of some demented snake demod that came from inside of your messed up head?" Harry said before letting out a sarcastic laugh. "That is just fucking rich Zayn."

Zayn rolled his eyes again and sighed, "Valac was being an ass back then. He is still one now but that's beside the point." he said stepping forward and cupping Harry's cheek with his right hand. "He wanted to hurt you actually...when you first yelled at me in the rain."

Harry froze at the words, but for some strange odd reason he felt himself lean into Zayn's touch. "Why did he want to..kill me?"

"He felt like you were disrespecting me. I left cause I didn't want you to get hurt." Zayn replied as he rubbed his thimb over Harrys cheek, lightly caressgn the skin. "I like you so much...and it's weird cause I don't like people."

The curly haired lad looks into Zayn's eyes questionably, looking for any sign of him lying. When he couldn't find any, Harry's expression softened. Really?" He asked looking at Zayn's lips den back at his eyes. "You aren't just saying this stuff so I can calm down?"

Zayn rolled his eyes and shook his head, and stepped closer to Harry. "No....I'm being honest. I really like you, and I'm sorry for being a dick when we first met, and the times after that." Zayn said leaning in and pressing his lips to Harry's softly.

Harry's eyes closed when he felt Zayn closing in on him, his heart dropping in double time from his chest to his stomach when he felt the warm, dark pink flesh of Zayn's lips against his. As soon as Harry's lips parted, Zayn worked his tongue into Harry's mouth, licking over the roof of his mouth and his teeth as he pushed the younger male back against the wall, his right leg pressing gently between Harry's legs. The way that Zayn forced his way into Harry's mouth, made Harry's jaw drop open, his hands moving up to grasp Zayn's biceps, his fingers digging in gently as he reacted to the kiss. Pulling away before things could get to heated, Zayn rested there foreheads together.

It was quite for a few minutes until they both heard the dark inhuman growl coming from everywhere inside of the room. Zayn pulled back and looked to his right to see Valac standing there in his human form, just a couple of feet away from them. Harry gasped and hid behind Zayn a bit. Closing his eyes, Harry nuzzles his nose into Zayn's neck, afraid of what could happen next. Feeling himself being pulled away from Zayn, Harry whimpered and latched onto Zayn tighter so the demon couldn't pull him away fully.

"Valac stop! I trust him, he won't try and hurt us." Zayn said a bit pleadingly as he grabbed onto harry as well not wanting to lad to get hurt.

The dark spirit just watched the scene ahead of them for a few long seconds. Looking at the way harry was clinging onto Zayn, and putting all his trust in Zayn not to let go. Valac made a grumbling sound and put Harry back on his feet again.

Sighing relived when he felt his feet being back on solid ground, harry whimpered softly and clung to Zayn tightly. Turning his head to watch the demon stalking toward them, Harry watched as he vanished back into Zayn's head. Looking back into Zayn's eyes Harry bit his lip and let Zayn pull him closer to his chest. "As long as you or...Valac doesn't hurt me I'll be fine."

Zayn sighed contently before resting there foreheads together. "You could see him Harry. It's rather he likes you, or he just wants to keep a close eye on you. Either way, it means your safe I think." He said kissing Harry's nose. "Besides, its my job to protect you now."

Repeating those words in his head, Harry bit his lip and blushed. And yeah, he could definitely get use to hearing those words.

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