••Three Year Old Zayn••

"Zayn, it's past your bedtime," Trisha said softly after checking the time on her phone. It was one in the morning, but she was honestly surprised that Zayn was still awake. The latest he's usually able to stay up is 11:00. The four of them were up watching movies together, but Yaser wasn't feeling well so he headed to bed early, and Doniya had headed off the bed as well.

"'M not sleepy though," Zayn mumbled, snuggling further into his power ranger blanket. His eyes were starting to droop but he really, really wanted to talk to his new friend Valac.

"Don't you wanna sleep in your new crib tonight?" Trisha asked, trying to help bed time sound more appealing. Zayn just shrugged. He didn't dislike the crib at all, in fact, he thought it was incredible. The crib itself was white with a big red cursive letter Z on the outside of both the head and foot boards. The sheets and his pillow case came in a set with the Power Ranger blanket he had and his favorite stuffed animal was even waiting for him. His only problem is that Valac didn't like the crib. He would always demand for Zayn to get out of the 'cage' as soon as someone put him inside of it.

"Come on babe, we'll get you changed first so you're comfortable and everything," she offered.

"No thank you," he said, knowing that when he's polite he usually gets what he wants. Polite boys are good boys and good boys get what they want!

"I was telling you, not asking you."

"But he doesn't want to!" Zayn whined around his thumb that snuck its way into his mouth. He didn't know where his dummy was even though he usually only had it when he was upset, like now. He used the hand that wasn't in his mouth to hide under his blanket, hoping that'd end the conversation.

Trisha stared at her son confused, and a bit frustrated from how tiered she was. Thinking that 'he' was just Zayn's way of saying himself. She pulled the covers off her pretty boy, and reached to pick him up.

'Go away!' Valac yelled inside of Zayn's head, causing the three year old to hold his head in pain.

Zayn kicked his little feet, as he tried to get his mother away from him. "Mommy no! He'll hurt you," the raven haired lad said with scared tears falling down from his face. This is the first time Zayn has ever brought up the existence of Valac to anyone, so it was only natural for Trisha to start to panic about the well being of her son.

She cooed Zayn, picking him up in her arms, "Baby what are you-" in a matter of seconds his mother was ripped away from Zayn, and thrown across the room against a wall. Zayn was crying heavily, as he watched Valac take his human form. Using his telekinesis, Valac wrapped Zayn up in the blanket as he stalked over to his host's injured mother.

"Valac no!" Zayn said trying to get out of the hold of the blanket. He desperately cried for his mother to move, and for Valac to stop hurting her.

The room was filled with strong winds, and screams from Zayn and his mother. Books and pencils flew around the room with various other objects, as Valac's power reached to its full strength. The demon stood over Zayn's mother menacingly, as he levitated her from the ground.

"Valac stop now!" Zayn yelled as his father and sister ran inside the living room. Doniya screamed loudly at the sight of her mother floating in mid air, limp and pale. Yaser, cautiously stepped closer to Zayn trying to figure out what was happening.

"Valac please...no," Zayn whimpered out softly, as his dad managed to hold him in his arms. "Please..."

Minutes passed, and Trisha was safely laying on the ground again. The room was back to what seemed like normal, besides the huge mess that covered the floor. Zayn could see Valac moving back to him, and was happy when he could hear the familiar ringing of the demon in his head.

••End Of Flashback••

Zayn shivered when he came back from his thoughts. Reopening his eyes, he sighed and sat criss cross on the ground. Turning his head, he stared at Valac blankly. Turning back to Zayn, Valac looked Zayn over before turning to face him.

'Hold your left arm out, wrist up.'

Zayn of course obeyed and did exactly what Valac said for him to do. Watching as Valac, stared at his tanned flesh Zayn began to get a tad bit uncomfortable. Closing his eyes, Zayn hissed as pain shot through his forearm. Opening his eyes, he gasped as he saw Arabic writing start to form on his skin. أميرالشياطين.

Once the writing was done, Zayn lightly ran his fingers over the little black writing, that was written going horizontal on his arm. Wincing slightly, he rubbed his thumb over it, before finally actually reading what it said. "Prince...of the demons..." he mumbled before blacking out on the cold hard ground.

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