01. real life

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---  jonas brothers, " sucker "

" please welcome musical guest, taylor swift! "

the applause was deafening as the blonde pop star started to sing her latest single. the sweet sound of taylor's voice and the steady clapping of the audience was intoxicating to a nearby woman as she hummed along to the song. so intoxicating, in fact, that she was completely unaware of the lanky boy sneaking up behind her.

" hey. "

the woman jumped in surprise as she faced the person behind her.

" what are you doing here? " she squeaked out, not expecting any cast members, especially the boy in front of her, to be watching taylor's performance.

" what? can't a guy enjoy his fair share of taylor swift? " joked the pale boy with a sly smile.

" sorry, i was just surprised. i didn't think you listened to taylor swift. pete, right? i'm roman. " the woman gave him a smile, finally recognizing his awfully familiar face.

" duh. your songs are on the radio station twenty-four seven. they seem to love singers who sound like chipmunks. " said pete with a teasing smile. deep down, he secretly loved her songs, often singing along to them when no one else was around.

" well, it's not my fault. who even listens to the radio anymore? " she shot back, familiar with his shockingly blunt sense of humor.

pete faked offense, putting his hand on his chest with a surprised look on his face. " well, well, well. looks like the pop princess has a mean side. guess i won't be buying your new album! it's a shame too, i really love singers who sound like they're high off helium. "

he wished he hadn't said it after it came out of his mouth. was that too harsh? does she hate him now? if she took offense, she didn't show it. roman winked and simply said " you're the one missing out. it's a greeeaaat one, " stretching the " great ".

taylor finished her song and was met by tremendous applause, stepping down as the show went to commercial. pete nodded. " that's my cue. i have shit to do backstage. see ya, brat. "

roman rolled her eyes and watched the comedian walk away. as much as it pained her to say it, he was adorable. his bottom lip was slightly bigger than his top one. his eyes were sunked in and he looked like he hadn't gotten sleep in years. he looked ridiculously hot in a drug dealer kind of way.

she shook her head as she forced the thought out of her mind. she is not falling for another guy. not again. not ever. that's the last thing she needed right now.

she looked around, finally appreciating the place she was at right now.

saturday night live. she couldn't believe she was hosting the season finale. roman's mind drifted to the various times in her childhood she crowded around the t.v. with her sister, most of the jokes going waaay over her head. the laughter of her mother in the background echoed in her head, remembering this was her favorite show.

the musical guests were her favorite part. she twirled and giggled with her mother and sister, jumping and dancing around the t.v.




yikes, that took a dark turn. roman waved the memory out of her head and hurried backstage. she wasn't on until after the next three skits, but she knew the extensive amount of makeup she needed would fill up that time quickly. she hummed the taylor song under her breath. damn, it was catchy. she needed to add that to her spotify playlist.

fake smile // pete davidsonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora