Chapter 1

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I sat in the hospital room they had put me in waiting for Bobby to arrive, since he was my emergency contact.
Stupid me fainted at work and of course they called him, even though I was perfectly fine.
"Faye?" I looked up to see Bobby in his uniform.
"You didn't have to come." I told him.
"Yes. I did, now get dressed I shouldn't have left my shift." I rolled my eyes.
Bobby walked out of the room as I quickly changed before leaving the room.

I sat in the passengers seat as Bobby drove, my head rested against the window.
He missed the turn off making me move my head from the window.
"Uh, apartments that way." I pointed behind us.
"You're coming back to work with me." I looked at him.
"I don't want your co-workers to see me like... This." I gestured to myself.
"You shouldn't of fainted." I rolled my eyes.
"I have feelings Uncle Bobby, and you have ruined them." I crossed my arms staring out the window.
He chuckled.
I slung my bag over my shoulder as I followed Bobby into the fire station.
"Can I spray the hose?"
"The ladder, can I climb the ladder?"
"Can I drive?"
"No, Faye!" I rolled my eyes as we walked up the stairs.
"Hey Cap!" An Asian guy said as we got to the top.
"Who's this?" He looked me up and down as I just stood there.
"Chim, this is my niece Faye." Bobby introduced.
"Ayeo!" I waved as foot steps came up the stairs.
"Do you have any cola?" I asked heading to the fridge.
I opened it up to see a can of coke, I leaned in picking it up.
"It's okay if I have the last one?" I asked to see 3 other people.
They looked me up and down like everyone else does, I crossed my arms pulling my sweater closer to cover my stomach.
"Faye, this is Hen, Eddie and Buck. Guys, this is my niece Faye." Bobby introduced as I waved.
"Hi." I said opening the coke taking a sip, not caring about if it was someone elses.
The girl named Hen hit the two boys shoulder as she walked over to me.
"I'm Hen. Nice to meet you." She smiled holding out her hand.
"Faye, nice to meet you aswell." I looked at the two boys.
"I'm not contagious." I told them with an eye roll.
"It-it's no-not that. It's just."
"Your accent." Eddie said as I gave him a look.
"You haven't heard an English accent in person before?" I asked.
"Nope." I rolled my eyes.
"Smart guys you got here uncle Robert." The bell rang.
"Suit up!" Bobby yelled.
"Faye, you're coming with us." I rolled my eyes setting my coke on the table.

        I followed Bobby out of the fire truck as we got to Athena.
"Sergeant Grant." Bobby said.
"Captain, Faye."
"Mr. Personality over here starting coughing, grabbed his side and fell over." She told us.
"Could be appendicitis." I said.
"I'm not sure."
"All right, back up. Step aside, please."
"Sir, I'm just gonna examine you for a second here." Hen said as he looked at her.
"Okay, we got a colostomy bag, probably backing up!" Chim yelled as he and Hen went down to the ground.
"You're just gonna have to intubate him."
He started to fuss.
"Sir, just try to relax. These paramedics here are gonna attend to you." Bobby said.
"Oh, hell no." He shook his head.
"You do it."
"Sir, I am not a trained paramedic. I can't intubate you, they can."
"I'm fine." The guy said as I rolled my eyes.
"Sir, you need to calm down. If you don't you'll suffocate, choke on your own waste and you'll vomit." I told him as he gave me a look.
"Get away." He told Hen as she moved away rolling her eyes.
"Okay, sir, if you refuse care, we cannot administer it by force." Bobby said.
"What about him?"
"Diaz." Bobby replied.
"Diaz. What kind of name is that?" The guy said.
"My father's from Mexico. My mother's Swedish. I can help you out with the Swedish half." The guy shook his head.
"Okay, would you like me to call you another paramedic team - so you can have an all-white one?" Bobby asked.
"Yeah." I rolled my eyes turning away.
"Oh God, oh God!" A girl said.
I went over to her rested my hand on her shoulder.
"Are you alright?" I asked her.
"N-no." She shook her head sitting down on the grass.
"I've never seen something like this before, I'm having an anxiety attack." She told me.
"Alright, just breathe and count to 10." I said.
"One, two."
"Three, Four, Five, Six." She finished counting as her breathing got back to normal.
"Thank you." I nodded.
"No problem." I smiled at her.

I made my way towards the police car to see a woman leaning against it.
"You don't look like a fire fighter." She said as I chuckled.
"I'm not, my Uncle dragged me here cause he doesn't trust me alone." I said.
"I'm Faye, Faye Nash."
"Maddie, Maddie Buckley." We shook hands.
"Well done." I turned to see Buck.
"Right, your ride-along was today." He said as Bobby came over.
"Uh, Cap." Buck wrapped his arm around Maddie.
"This is my sister Maddie."
"Great to finally meet you."
"Yeah, you, too."
"I've heard nothing but wonderful things-about you." Maddie said as I laughed.
"Well, don't believe everything, your little brother tells you." Bobby said.
"I meant from her." Maddie pointed.
"Well the feeling is mutual."
I started feeling dizzy again as I sat on a bench.
"Faye, come on." It was Buck.
"All right." I got up but fell forward.
"We need to get something in you, like um." We stared into each other eyes as I took a breath.
"Candy or something." Buck said.
"Cotton Candy? I love cotton candy." I said.
"Yeah, we'll get you cotton candy." I smiled as we made our way to the truck.

I sat in the fire house sketching in my sketchbook as everyone was walking around doing their own things.
"Hey!" I looked up to see Buck with his arms behind his back.
"Hey? You okay?" I asked.
"Uh yeah, why wouldn't I be?" He asked.
"Well you're more weird than normal." I said.
"I'm going to take that as a compliment... I actually having something for you." He said.
"Alright." I closed my book sitting up.
He took his hands out from behind his back to show a semi melted cotton candy stick.
"Thanks." I laughed.
He handed it to me as I popped some in my mouth letting it melt.
"So uh, my sister is moving on Thursday and she loves you. Would you maybe like to help?" I smiled.
"Sure, I text you my address, then you can pick me up." I said.
"Sounds great. I'll see you later yeah?" He asked.
"See ya." I smiled as he headed down the stairs and I blushed.

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