"Wait what" Brandon looked at me weirdly

"Gosh I mean like uh you work with Simon. Cheetos yeah I know about prettymuch" I facepalmed as the helicopter was going through turbulence

My palms were sweaty and my hand slipped and I fell forward but Brandon returned the favor and caught me as well

"How long have you known" nick asked

"Um since you guys released summer on you" I looked down not daring to look them in the eyes

"Oh so you're a beanz beanz" nick says

I finally got the courage to look up but Brandon looked away, I couldn't read his face. Nick on the other hand was fine and happy

"Landing T minus 1 minute" the pilot spoke through the microphone as the hotel came into view

"Ohh its a rooftop event, now I can check that off the bucket list" Leia said trying to break the silence

"Yeah we can't disturb my dads event so we'll have to land on the residential side" I spoke into the mic as the pilot shook his head

The helicopter landed and nick got off the helicopter first and helped Leia get down

Brandon stayed in his seat not realizing that we landed. I tapped his shoulder "Hey let's go" I said as I tried to get down on my own but nick saw me struggle and rushed to the other side to help me

"Thankyou" I said as I fixed my dress

"Okay we have to go to the elevator to the hallway bridge" I said as everyone followed me to the elevator

"Wait sorry to ask but are you rich" nick asked confused

"Um kind of, my dad doesn't keep all the money he makes from the hotels he uses it for charity and tonight's charity event is for the ocean and help keeping it clean" I said as the elevator came to a stop

"That's why you asked us to wear blue" nick said understanding what was going

"Oh let me see the fits" Leia said as she stopped Brandon and nick from walking too see what they were wearing

They were matching with a light blue button up with a dark navy suit an a baby blue bow

"Fire fits" she said as we finished observing them

"Our fits look at you guys, so gorgeous both of you, come on give me a spin he said holding his hands up to spin both of us

"Oh my gosh, nick you're so annoying" I said as we were walking across the bridge

We finally arrived to the other elevator and the awkward silence returned. The elevator music makes it even more awkward

"Why did Dylan give my dad the idea for elevator music" I shook my head as we finally arrived to the roof

"Hey um can I talk to you" Brandon tapped my shoulder but before I could answer a whole bunch of people came up to me asking for a picture

"Um yeah in a bit" I said as I was dragged into pictures with random strangers probably people that helped my dad with the charity.

"OH My daughter Abigail has arrived" my dad speaks loudly for everyone to hear

"Hey papi I'm so proud of you" I hugged him

"Thanks mija" he kissed my forehead and I walked over to the rest of my family

"Hey sorry I'm late" I said as I hugged everyone

"Yeah just a half hour late" my mom said sarcastically

"Sorry mom I'll explain later right now I need to talk to Dylan" I pulled Dylan along with me and brought him to the bar

"Oh no we are not" he dragged my away from the bar but suddenly stopped

I followed his view he was staring at Leia and nick. Dylan's expression as usual was unreadable but he brushed it off and we kept walking

I handed him the note and crossed my arms "Thankyou for this but why are you suddenly helping me"

"I felt like doing something nice, plus it honestly felt nice being nice"

"Thankyou Dylan But you can't tell mom about this" I said as I hugged him

"Yeah of course, um don't look now but a guy is coming our way and it looks serious

I pulled away from the hug and turned to see who it was. Brandon was walking towards us and stopped a couple of feet away from us

"Holy crap isn't he that guy you're obsessed with, um Brendan is it" he held his hand out to shake it

I saw the smirk on Dylan's face he was about to do something devious. I looked at Brandon and I saw a hint of jealousy in his eyes

"It's Brandon and you are" he shook his hand and stared at me intensely

"I'm Dylan his boyfriend, Abigail's told me a lot about you, from the sex dreams to the posters in her room to the Pict-"

I cut Dylan off when I finally processed what he was doing

"SHUT UP DYLAN, no he is not my boyfriend he is my Brother" I smacked his head and pushed him away

"Take care sis" he walked away waving his hands at me

"That's not even a FUNNY JOKE!" I yelled as he got farther away

"So" he raised his eyebrows "sex dreams" he smirked at me

"Oh please, as if my brother would know all of that, we aren't even close I would never tell him if I have had sex dreams about you I mean sex dreams like what" I nervously rambled as I felt guilty

"Oh you've totally had at least one" he said finally getting his hands out of his pocket

I looked down and blushed uncontrollably. He lifted my head up and said "it's fine I had one about you last night"

"Oh my gosh get out of here" I pushed him away not knowing how to react

"Hey just know that I don't really care if you're a fan, I would want my girlfr- well um never mind"

"Yeah I get it" I shrugged as I leaned against the railing

"Um I kind of just freaked because you mean something to me and I just didn't want anything to get weird between us" he said as he slouched next to me on the railing

Aww I mean something to him. I felt this wave of heat across my body. It's was a good feeling and I liked that.

Okay back story on Abigail she's had many meaningless boyfriends in the past to distract her from the problems her family had been going through but she would eventually catch feelings for the meaningless guy and they would hurt her so now she's a broken little angel

Purpleworld  // Brandon Arreaga Where stories live. Discover now