Chapter 17: Don't Give Up On Me

Start from the beginning

I don't notice Clara until she speaks.

"Who was that?" She asks quietly and I nearly jump out of my skin.

Her face turns red when she sees that she startled me but doesn't leave. I consider it a win.

"It was my mom." I tell her, watching as she takes a few steps towards the couch. She gauging my reaction when she curls up next to Cash, purposely emphasizing when he feet touch the cushions and I get the feeling she wasn't allowed to do it at her previous foster homes.

I make sure to have no reaction and she seems satisfied.

"What were you talking to her about?" She questions.

"She was telling me how everybody else is doing and catching me up on what's new."


"My grandparents and brothers."

She purses her lips like she is trying to decide whether to continue this conversation. When she speaks again, I hide a smile because this is probably the longest conversation we've had without her getting mad and storming off.

"Will I meet them?"

I'm surprised by her question. "If you want to, sure."

She nods like this is a good enough answer. When the front door opens, I turn to look, expecting it to be Tyler but I'm surprised to see Jackie.

I quickly stand up and walk towards her, accepting a hug from her and preparing myself for the reaction we might get from Clara.

"How are you doing, honey?" Jackie asks me, making her way towards the kitchen still not noticing Clara sitting on the couch. All the dogs but Cash have run towards her begging for attention.

"Not bad." I tell her, risking a glance at Clara who's staring at Jackie wide-eyed and surprised. "I didn't know you were visiting." I say, trying not to sound rude since this isn't even my house.

"Well, you know how busy I have been and it's been awhile since Tyler has visited so - oh." She stops mid-sentence, finally noticing Clara sitting on the couch. It takes her a minute before it clicks in who she is. "Oh."

"This is Clara." I tell her, looking at the little girl from the corner of my eye who looks ready to bolt.

Jackie's eyes dart to mine and she nods in understanding when I shake my head slightly. She stays where she is and sends Clara a small smile.

"I'm Jackie." She tells Clara softly and before Clara can answer, the front door opens again and I hear Tyler before I see him.

"Babe, who's rental is that? Please tell me it's not my mom, I told you to give me a heads up before - oh."

He cringes when he sees Jackie and I feel no sympathy for him. This is going to be great.

I prepare to listen to Jackie yell at Tyler but before she can, Clara hops off the couch and runs to Tyler.


He catches her before she runs into him. "Hey kiddo."

"Who's the lady?" She whispers quietly but I can hear her.

"She's my mom." He says and Clara's eyebrows raise.


I grin, "Anyone want lemonade?"

I'm sitting on the edge of the pool with my feet in the water when Clara sits next to me.

"Tyler is in trouble." She snickers, sitting next to me.

"He is, huh?"

She looks at me curiously. "Is Jackie nice?"

I smile. "The nicest."

"You sure?"


She's quiet for a couple minutes, splashing her feet in the water. Some of it flicks up on me but I don't complain because this is the happiest I've seen her since she came here.

"Can we go to the movies tomorrow?" She asks hesitantly and I try not to think about how long it's taken her to work up the courage to ask me.

But I don't hesitate to answer. "Of course. Do you have a movie in mind?" I ask and her face lights up.

Later that night after everybody is gone to bed, Tyler and I lay on the grass outside. It's quiet and we haven't spoken in almost fifteen minutes when he breaks the silence.

"What do you think would happen if we never met?"

I laugh softly but shrug. "My life would probably have been a little less complicated."

Tyler laughs but I can tell he's a little hurt so I nudge him until he looks at me.

"But I wouldn't have it any other way." 


a/n: sorry it's been a minute but between work, a broken laptop, and writers block - i didn't get any writing done

thanks for reading & i hope you like it!

-- alexandra

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