Working Together

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*the next morning the six arrive at Rusty Bucket's house*

Rusty- *opens the door to look in shock to see them*

Chrysalis/Metamorphosis- *turns into Ophiotauruses and roars to cause an avalanche on him*

Cozy, Comfy, Lady Tirana, Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, King Metamorphosis: [laughing and moves on]

Rusty Bucket: *pops out of the snow* I'm okay!

*as their walking Tirek and Tirana get vines while Cozy and Comfy find the next path*

*the six come across a big tree trunk and Chrysalis turns into an Ursa Minor and moves it*

*the six are going up the mountain and Cozy and Comfy nearly slip and fall but Chrysalis and Metamorphosis catch them*

*the six reach the mountain across from Mt. Everhoof and Tirek and Tirana tie vines to a rock and Metamorphosis turns into a Roc and holds out his talon to Comfy and he carries him across the mountain and throws him to the other side where he connects the vines to another stone*

Cozy- *holds onto Tirana*

*Chrysalis and Metamorphosis turn into monkeys and climb the vine upside down and Tirek and Tirana do the same and they make it across*

*the six come to where the bell is which is protected by a magical barrier*

Queen Chrysalis/King Metamorphosis: *tries to touch the barrier but gets blasted back* Aah!

Lord Tirek/Lady Tirana: [pained groan as they touch the barrier and it hurts them]

Cozy Glow: *looks at them* Can you two absorb it and make it go away?

Lord Tirek: *serious*  We can only absorb magic from living beings.

*the four think*

Comfy: *points to Chrysalis and Metamorphosis* Like them?

Queen Chrysalis/King Metamorphosis: *gets defensive* Betrayal!

Cozy Glow: Not betrayal. Teamwork.

Comfy- *explains* If Tirek and Tirana absorbs your energy, they might be strong enough to break through.

Queen Chrysalis/King Metamorphosis: *glares* And then?

Cozy/Comfy: *smiles* Then... they give it back.

Lord Tirek/Lady Tirana: *looks at them* We do?

Cozy: *smiles* Mm-hmm.

Metamorphosis: *glares* How do we know you won't take our magic and leave us?

Cozy Glow: Would we do that to you?

Chrysalis/Metamorphosis- *glares and points at Tirek and Tirana*

Comfy-*admits* Okay, normally, yes, we would.

Lord Tirek/Lady Tirana: *sighs* We'll give you two your magic back.

Queen Chrysalis/King Metamorphosis: *looks at each other then at Tirek and Tirana* Do it.

[Tirek and Tirana drain the magic from Chrysalis and Metamorphosis*]

Queen Chrysalis/King Metamorphosis: [groaning as they collaspe weakly]

Lord Tirek: *gains his third form* So... much... power! [kisses his biceps]

Lady Tirana- *gains her third form* Welcome back, baby!

[the two blast at the barrier and create small holes]

Lord Tirek: *notices and starts straining* It's not big enough for us!

Cozy Glow: *determined* Maybe not you two! *flies in*

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