Christmas Prom

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*1 Week Later* 

*Christmas Prom Night*

Hermione's POV 

I can't believe it! Its our Christmas Prom! Last week, the five of us decided to stay here for Christmas Holidays. And then, Ron and Lavender decided to go at the Christmas Prom. But I don't care about them. I've already moved on. For now, Ginny and I are preparing at the girls' dormitory. 

"Are you ready for the prom tonight?" Ginny asks, excitedly 

"YEAH!" I yelled, excited "Who will be host?" 

"Me and Ginny." Parvati says, entering the scene

"That's brilliant." I said, putting my foundation and then Becky approach to me

"Hey, Hermione." She said, and I turn to her 

"Oh, hey, Becky." I smiled, and she smiles back on me "What is it?"

"I can make you beautiful." She said, and she brought me a red dress 

"Is that for me?" I ask, suspiciously 

"Of course, you're my best friend." She nods "After all, you owe me so much."

"Aww, you're so sweet." I said, happily and she hugs me 

"You better wear it." She said, excitedly 

Oh my gosh! Becky bought me a red dress. Red is my favorite color. I'm so happy because Becky is treating me like a sister. And then, I wear the red dress and then Becky puts make up on me. She's also beautiful. She's very beautiful actually. 

"You look PERFECT!" She yelled, and then Ginny saw me 

"You look so beautiful, Hermione." Ginny said, smiling 

"Thanks, Gin and Becky." I said, shyly "You guys are also beautiful."

"Thanks, Mione." Ginny said, grinning and then Becky engulfs me a hug 

"You're going to be brilliant." She said, sweetly 

"Thanks, Becky." I said, and she let go the hug 

"Harry's look handsome at the common room." Padma said, blushing

"What is he wearing?" I asked, worriedly and then Becky holds my hand

"Let's go. You must see him." She said, grinning 

"Okay..." I just nodded, and we went to the common room

We finally go to the common room. And then, I saw Harry wearing Red Tartan Plaid Tuxedo with Black Lapel.

Harry's POV

Will and I waiting Hermione and Becky at the common room. And then, Will saw Becky and then I was waiting Hermione.

"Is that Hermione Granger?" Will asks, and I saw Hermione wearing red dress

"Hi, Harry." She said, and I turn into bright pink 

"Hi, M-Mione." I stuttered, worriedly "Y-you're s-so st-stunning."

"Thanks." She said, smiling  "You're so handsome."

"Thank you, Hermione Granger." I said, winking to her 

"You guys are so perfect." Ginny joked, and we chuckled

"Thanks, Gin." I said, shyly 

*Hermione hooked her hand to my arm* 

"Shall we proceed to the great hall?" Will asks, smiling to us

"Yeah, let's go." I nodded, and we leave the common room

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