A Formal Apology

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Dear Rizzo, Sophie, and anyone who has been affected by this doggo's death,

               My deepest condolences. I was tired and didn't think before I wrote this into the canon. To make up for my wrongdoings, I am doing everything I can to get every trace of the horrible story off this website. I took down the story and I am working on erasing every document on which it is written. I have stopped building the story and I will not continue. I know that this book is in no way able to compensate for the sorrow that was brought upon you when you read my story, but I will try my best to make you understand that I regret writing that awful chapter. I have money, I have candy, I could even give you my phone if that's what this takes. But as of now, I only have my words and my time. I can only write this letter, sitting behind a computer screen, as I was when I heartlessly decided to take that poor dog's life. I am honestly a bad friend, and I'm sorry.

              Rizzo, I'm so sorry I couldn't give you chicken at dinner. It's just that Sophie's family has a no feeding the doggos rule and I didn't want to make them made. I'm also sorry that I tried to cuddle with you without asking first. Sophie made it clear that it was a nono to cuddle with Rizzo. At least, for me. I love you Riz,

                                                                     -Harmony, author of battling with love

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2019 ⏰

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