Rosemary and Lucy both smirked at the Telmarine army in front of them while the Narnians all ran into the clearing and watched their two queens in silence.

The head of the Telmarine army looked back at the Narnians behind him in disbelief. This was their plan? To have a two young girls fight them?

However, none of the Narnians seemed scared or even hesitant. Instead, they all looked even more confident than they had before reaching the bridge.

The soldiers frowned and looked back to the girls only to find that a huge lion stood next to them. The head of the army shook his head before yelling, "Charge!"

The Telmarine army started to run forward, but they had barely even made their way onto the bridge before Aslan roared at them. The Telmarines stopped in their tracts and everyone looked to the water which rippled from the roar before the water levels began to lower.

Before any of them knew what was happening, a huge wave of water began to rush towards the bridge, lifting up into the air to reveal a giant man made out of water.

Soldiers began to jump into the water, trying to avoid the being that was staring down at them. The water man then dove down under the bridge before breaking it and raising the remains of the bridge up in the air.

More and more men jumped off the bridge into the water until only the man who had been one of Miraz's advisors was left. The man of water brought the bridge closer to him before crashing down on top of the bridge, bringing the Telmarine down with him.

The water splashed hit the river and splashed into the air until raining back down. Rosemary watched with a small smirk on her face as the water calmed down and began to wash the bridge down stream.

Rosemary's smirk grew slightly and she looked at the crowd of Telmarine soldiers in front of them. They all had looks of pure fear on their faces and Rosemary couldn't help but smile.

The brunette put her sword away with a loud clank causing the army to look to her. Rosemary titled her head slightly.

"Would anyone else like to challenge us?" she asked and the Telmarine's watched with wide eyes as the trees behind her seemed to twist and turn, roots springing up in the air and pointing at them as if to threaten them.

That was enough to have the Telmarines all immediately drop their weapons and Rosemary smirked before looking over where her friends were. She locked eyes with Peter and the two shared a small nod before Rosemary looked to Edmund.

Edmund smiled at the girl, the sunlight hitting his face just right so that he seemed to glow slightly as he looked at her. She smiled back from across the river as the sound of weapons hitting the ground filled the air.

They had won.

- - -

The Telmarines surrendered without any fuss, even going as far to handing their weapons over to the Narnians themselves. While this happened, Edmund, Peter, Caspian, and Susan all made their way across the river until they made it to where Aslan, Rosemary, and Lucy were awaiting them.

Peter looked to Aslan hesitantly, a feeling of guilt washing over him as he remembered the doubt he had had for the great lion. But he didn't for one second hesitate before kneeling down to Aslan while Susan, Edmund, and Caspian all joined him.

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