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The sound of the curtains, makes Hallie mumble until the light shines on her face from the small couch.

"Oh my goodness, Nathaniel!" She tries to hit him as he passes, but is too tired to move. "We have a party to go to." He chuckles, throwing the redhead her dress. "It's 1 pm." With a groan, her eyes drift to Chuck, who is sleeping in bed with the maid.

She throws a pillow at him, waking him up. Her eyes adjust to the sunlight, as she looks for her stuff. "Can you get me those pants?" Nate tosses the girl Chuck's pants, and she pulls out a bag of weed, shaking it.

"Whoa, whoa! You haven't even showered first! No, ma'am, we're not doing this again. Shower, then joints." Nate says, snatching the bag. "Hal," Chuck calls out, throwing another bag, with paper this time. "Thank you."

"Oh, my god."

"Cheer up, Nathaniel. At least she's not hungry." Chuck says with a smirk, making his friend scoff. "Listen, this is important to Blair, and I don't want you guys going crazy."

"No, Nate, we get it." Hallie lifts up the bag to his face. "But this is all I have, buddy. I didn't bring my coke." She says with a smirk forming on her face, making her brother laugh. "You're not funny."

"She so is." Hallie lights the blunt and lays back. "Hey, Nate..." Hallie pauses, puffing out her drag. "You gonna pop Blair's cherry? Cause if you don't we will." Hallie laughs.

"No, not yet." The redhead scoffs, taking off her shirt. "Don't look." She says as her brother lays back down.

"When she's ready." He says. "Such a sad sap," Chuck mutters with a shake of his head. "What does that even mean?"

"Sexual guilt of some kind." Nate pauses at Hallie's words, looking down before shaking his head with a sigh. "Just-Just get up and get dressed, so we can make this luncheon thing."


When they arrive at the Waldorf home, Blair finds the trio immediately as they step off of the elevator. She grabs Nate, giving him a kiss before she looks over at the siblings next to him. She gives a fake smile to Chuck.


"Waldorf." She looks at Hallie with a genuine one.

"Girl Bass."

"Blair," Hallie says with a smile. The two share a look, and Blair looks Hallie up and down before backing away. "What? No hug?" Hallie asks, making her friend scoff. "You smell like cigarettes." She answers.

"I always smell like cigarettes." The elevator bell catches Hallie's attention, causing her sight to find the tall blonde she hadn't expected to show. Her smile fell, and Blair's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

She turns, following Hallie's sight, but the girl's soft touch on her shoulder shifts her attention back to Hallie. "I didn't know Camille was coming." Hallie chuckles.

"Me neither. I-I've gotta-" She lightly squeezes her shoulder and walks over to the girl. "Camille," She calls out, making the taller woman look at her with a smile. "Hallie." She answers back.

"I-I didn't think you would show." Hallie stammers, making Camille's smile widen. "I didn't have much choice, my father is an investor." The shorter girl chuckles and nods, not noticing how her brother watched her squirm in amusement.

"You look great!" She blurts out.

"Thank you. I could say the same for you. Love the jacket."

"Thanks." A not-so-subtle cough catches Hallie's attention and she turns around to her brother holding up a large bottle of wine. "Hi, Chuck." Camille greets the boy, who waves at her. "Hello, Camille. Do you want to join us for a drink?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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