Chapter 9: Missing Pieces

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Given what he had seen the night before Sam wasn't opposed to the idea of a spirit keeping things cleaned was no longer outside of possibility...but then why? What was there to gain from that? Better yet, in the hypothetical situation that there was a spirit involved, who would it be? There was a couple of possible answers but he'd rather not think about it as the two answers were Henry or Caroline...


It would be Caroline if any spirit was behind the oddly clean rooms but again, why? There HAD to be one if only to make finding the pieces easier it would still be an answer that was understandable and logical...funny that though he was in a world where spirits existed and he STILL was looking for a logical means of explaining everything. He would have laughed had he not been afraid that something else was in the house.

"Heh...Well if it is you, dear, thank you. It makes things a lot easier to deal with."

As if on cue, a door opened somewhere nearby. Possibly Henry's office. Something had heard him.

[I] "FUCK!"

Charlie's room wasn't the best place to hide let alone be in, to begin with as it was so small but there had to be somewhere right...maybe one of the closets she had? It wasn't much but he had to go with it.

"Sam? You here? I swear I heard you..."

There was no way in hell that was possible. Firstly the house was deserted and secondly...

Caroline was dead.

"Sam...we playing hide and seek again? You really don't have many places to hide so I hope you got a really good spot!"

This wasn't Caroline. It was something pretending to be her, how it managed to perfectly mimic her voice was not something he wanted to be answered but by the sound the thing's heavy footsteps were, it had a pretty good indication of where he was as they were getting closer with every passing second. This thing wasn't human for sure as the sounds it made were...metallic like an animatronic... This was a trap. An elaborate trap that Sam had unknowingly walked into.

"Come on out Sam, I'll make some food and we can talk alright?"

The thing was now in the room. Whatever it was, there wasn't a good chance it would let him live if it found him. The question was, did it know where he was? There was no way to say since the door to the closet was closed, leaving the man in reminded him of that day at Fredbear's. If he moved, he'd likely die.

"Aww, Sam...don't be like this...William just wants to talk to you. You have something of his and he wants it back."

Halfway through its one-sided conversation, the thing's voice faded from Caroline's to something clearly robotic. The blonde knew full and well that whatever was out there wasn't human but...why did he feel like he should KNOW what it was that was sitting out there? There was a nagging feeling that whatever it was...he had seen it before. It was almost painful how close he was to know but just didn't.

Finally, the thing left the room, wordlessly. It either gave up or was just going somewhere else in the house. Either option was good enough for now as that meant Henry's office was did that thing get in there...

"Fucking hell...did I get dropped down the rabbit-...Haha, very funny."

Sam shook his head and finally left his hiding space, any more time in there and he'd probably of had a panic attack. It was a surprisingly small space for what appeared to be a big opening in the wall. Though whatever had inhabited the space before was long gone. Likely NOT whatever was in the house and talked to him. It didn't sit right with him, the words of William lingered in his head.

The monsters were free...

What monsters...? There was only one way to know and that was in Henry's office where that thing had come out of...Probably not the best of ideas BUT why would it go back there? A question best left unanswered really as the blonde had reached the doorway but hesitated.

He was about to enter another dead man's office. This would be the second one this week...was he really about to do this? Was it really a good idea? On one hand, the evidence he could get out of it may be useful but on the other, he had to consider the fact that if he wasted any time that THING, whatever it was, could still be in the house and come back up here...

"No. Get in. Get anything you can. Leave. Nothing more. Nothing less."

Finally, the blue-eyed man crossed into the room to find, once again, it was untouched...yet not empty. Henry's old desk sat squarely against the back wall, a chair facing away from the door. Upon the desk sat a familiar purple rabbit with red cheeks. To the right, standing at the ready was a doll. It was wearing a pastel-colored uniform, holding a plate in one hand and a teapot in the other. its eyes stared outwards at nothing and its mouth was fixed in such a way that it always looked slightly annoyed about something. Ella and Theodore, two of Charlie's old companions, were keeping each other company. It would have been a nice image had the man not just gotten a close escape from what was surely a death trap.

"Oh. Well alright. Sure...what do they have to do with anything as they'd have to be a part of this, otherwise they'd likely be back in Charlie's room as they should be..."

The longer Sam stared, the odder the sight became. SOMETHING had to have moved them as there was no way Ella moved on her own. Theodore was likely here to get some sort of repair done but Ella...

She was the one he needed. It didn't make sense for her to be here otherwise. There was something about her that would lead the man in the right direction. The paperwork could wait as the doll was quite literally, the bigger of the two.

" about we take a trip shall we?"

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