Kisses and Some More

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Tokoyami gulped, his hands clenched at his chest while Hawks kissed his beak, each press of lips against him, leaving his heart fluttering like the wings of doves. Hawks put him back in on his chair, patting Tokoyami's head. "You feel better?" He asked.

"Yeah. But now I'm pretty hungry." Tokoyami murmured. Hawks stood up.

"I'll go get you a popsicle from the break room," Hawks said, exiting the office. Tokoyami rubbed at every spot that Hawks had kissed, feeling something strange in his stomach. He forgot about it once Hawks came back in and handed him a packaged popsicle. It was orange in color and was pretty large.

"Thank you, sir." Tokoyami said, ripping the plastic. He licked the popsicle, the taste of orange cream pleasant. "Where do you get these?" Tokoyami brought the popsicle away from his face.

"You can ask Kamoto. He's the person who orders that stuff. I can give you his email if you want to ask him about it." Hawks said.

"Everyday I come here so I can have them every day, right? Plus, it's the summer, so it's actually quite in season,"

"Mm, yeah, I guess." Hawks sat back down in his chair and yawned. Tokoyami stared down at the still-frozen popsicle, feeling an urge.

"Sir," Tokoyami said. "I...I wanted to ask a favor."

"What favor?"

"I was thinking about how phallic the popsicle looked, and I was wondering how it would feel..." there was a short silence with Hawks' cheeks quite pink. "inside of me."

"That's a pretty bad idea, man. Not gonna be healthy or clean." Hawks said. Despite that, he grinned. "Sounds pretty epic though. Let's do it!"


Tokoyami refused to even talk to Hawks as he was cleaned off and his backside sticky. "I had to do something for it to slide in easier!" Hawks tried to defend himself but Tokoyami wasn't having it today.

"You owe me a dinner." Tokoyami said once he was able to sit down properly without squirming. "That was irresponsible for a Pro Hero."

"You agreed to it!"

"Well...I wasn't the one putting a popsicle in my ass! That was you!" Tokoyami pulled his legs up, holding them close towards his chest.

"Ugh...Sorry. Sorry for that. I shouldn't have done that." Hawks murmured, leaning down and kissing Tokoyami's beak. "It was still both of our faults though."

"I know...I just wanted a kiss."

"Fair enough, honey. I'd be willing to try again," Hawks' hand rested on Tokoyami's leg, trying to make eye contact with him. "I'll have to keep kissing you if you don't look at me..."

"Then do it. Keep kissing me until I'll look at you." Tokoyami let himself be held close, his face being covered with soft kisses. The kept his eyes glued shut, his chest rising and falling with every deep breath he took. Tokoyami was addicted to Hawks' kisses and wished that he could be curled up with him every day at all hours, wanting him to give him affection every second of the day.

Tokoyami opened his eyes, bit by bit with every kiss Hawks gave him until he was finally able to look him straight in the face. "I wish you could always kiss me," Tokoyami said. "Since you're so handsome, and your kisses feel so good, and I just want you with me forever..." Tokoyami started to feel wet tears drip onto his cheeks. "I wish."


Tokoyami's eyes opened to a dark ceiling. He was confused at first, but then he realized that he was staying over at Hawks house that weekend. Hawks was laying next to him, back turned to him, sound asleep and smiling. What could he be smiling about, Tokoyami would never know. He laid back down, sinking into the feather-stuffed pillow that had made Tokoyami feel so comfortable.

He rolled over to his side, scooting closer to press his body against Hawks. He tensed up when the man stirred, groaning audibly. "Morning Toko," Hawks murmured, resting on his arm and looking over his shoulder. "You sleep good?"

Tokoyami nodded, putting his arms out and trying to hold Hawks. "Yeah. Thank you for letting me stay over,"

"It's no problem." He moved to face Tokoyami and pulled him up to kiss him again. "I love you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2019 ⏰

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