What He Loved About Him

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Tokoyami had always admired Hawks, but sometimes those feelings of admiration evolved into love or infatuation, as far as he knew. Tokoyami would sometimes find himself blushing at any sight of Hawks out fighting or masturbating to any interviews Hawks was in. He had no idea why the hell he felt this way, but he indulged in it nonetheless. It was a good feeling. A positive one that Tokoyami didn't want to let go from.

Tokoyami pushed open the door to Hawks' office, seeing that Hawks was in which was surprising since he was usually on the top of the building and waiting for him to start their morning. "Good morning, sir," Tokoyami said, waving to him. Hawks looked up, and his eyes glittered.

"Morning! Do you want to start the morning patrol now or do you want to grab something to eat? I know you never eat in the morning." Hawks stood up, groaning as he stretched his wings from being pressed up against the back of the chair.

"I don't need to eat," Tokoyami said, but he caught an energy bar he was thrown anyway.

"It's my responsibility to make sure you're in top shape and eating enough. I think that's part of my contract anyway..." Hawks walked up to Tokoyami and patted his shoulder. "I care for you!" Ah...Tokoyami loved Hawks too much for that.


Hawks sat with Tokoyami out in the building's lobby, staring up at the bland tan ceiling and waiting for Tokoyami to finish eating the one bar that he had given him. Tokoyami looked over at Hawks every once in a while, trying his best to prolong the time. This was the closest they had sat, literally an inch away from the prestigious #2 Pro Hero.

"We have to hurry, dude," Hawks said, crossing his arms close to his chest. Tokoyami finished up quickly and followed Hawks outside to begin the patrol. The hero knew that Tokoyami liked a long walk in the morning(they talked a lot through LINE and in person) so he didn't mind not flying.

"Do you think we will encounter anybody today?" Tokoyami said, trying to match Hawk's pace to get closer.

"Probably not, but a patrol is mandatory. Gotta catch those villains in the act, right?"

"Agreed." As they walked further, a loud crash could be heard from many blocks away. Tokoyami started to run, but he was pulled back to Hawks' side.

"Mt. Lady is already there," he was looking down at his phone. He shook it teasingly with a chat opened. "Told me. She's handling it okay. We're good." Hawks kept in contact with so many heroes and made sure Tokoyami shouldn't worry. Something else he loved about Hawks.


Tokoyami sat under Hawks' desk, wiping some tears away from his face as an assistant was in. He didn't want anybody to see him crying from a mere wound. He cupped the injury from above the bandages that covered it and waited until the assistant left. Hawks nudged him with his boot, saying that it was alright to come up. Tokoyami was pulled up from the desk and into Hawks' lap, being held close to his favorite hero.

"Sorry that you got hurt today,"

"It wasn't your fault. I was too reckless." Tokoyami said bluntly, nuzzling his beak into Hawks' neck, the tips of his feathers at his cheeks turning pink.

"Yeah, yeah, sure."





"You should probably get off me..." Hawks muttered, his hands away from Tokoyami. Tokoyami still held close to Hawks, not wanting to let go just yet. They were chest to chest and it was too warm now.

"I don't want to." Tokoyami said, muffled in Hawks shirt and his hands gripped the back of his jacket.

"Fine," Hawks said and reached around him to open his computer. He was productive even when something was obstructing his path. He was also extremely compassionate. Another thing Tokoyami loved about him.


Tokoyami sat in the storage closet with Hawks, shivering at every touch. A gloved hand pressing against his soft cheek, a pair of wings curling around him and pulling him closer and closer to Hawks, and another hand, tugging warily at the edge of Tokoyami's hero outfit. It was wrong and both of the birds knew it, but they were too desperate to care.

"What do you want from me," Hawks whispered. "We both know you were the one who dragged me into this." Tokoyami wanted to be left boneless and sore, sure, but he just wanted a kiss. A soft, vanilla kiss from his idol.

"...I...don't know, honestly." Tokoyami bowed his head, looking away shamefully. The wings only pulled him closer. Hawks kissed Tokoyami's forehead, his hands holding the smaller boy's waist loosely. Tokoyami closed his eyes, his hands resting on Hawks' chest and enjoying the moment. He was affectionate. He loved Hawks for that. He loved everything about Hawks, and that was why he lusted over him, wishing he could get closer and closer.

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