They meet again !

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Cheryl POV:I woke up as usual and put my tubes on my nose I headed out and eat breakfast with my friends back in Riverdale; I finished eating and went to see my favorite nurse Stacy I always talk to her.when I was talking to her the hospital doors open then I saw...Jughead! It was so weird seeing him here but he had tubes in his nose I quickly hid myself under Stacy's desk he didn't see me thank god I finally went to my room and then I saw someone on the roof I could see them but didn't know who it was I put on my jacket very quickly and went to the roof. I opened the door and saw Jughead seating on the edge. Cheryl:" Jughead what are you doing here?" Jughead:" I wanted to get out be in the fresh air" Cheryl:"so what brought you here?" Jughead:"I have cystic fibrosis and had to come here". Cheryl:"really I have it too we have to be 6 feet apart at all times" Jughead:"got it" Cheryl:"well you should get back inside you'll freeze to death" Jughead:"I'll be fine Cheryl". Cheryl went back to her room and was reading a book she got a note under her room she opened it and said "meet me in 5 at the pool" she was confused she went any way;she got there and saw Jughead sitting there with his feet in the pool and was watching it Cheryl:" do you need something?" She said sitting down 6 feet from Jughead; Jughead:"yeah I was wondering if you could sho me around tomorrow?" Cheryl:"sure Jughead" Jughead:"want to get in?" Cheryl:" what it's to cold" Cheryl got up and took her shirt off and pants Jughead looked at her silence he could see her scars on her stomach he got up too and took his shirt off and she could also see his scars they both smiled and jumped in they were six feet apart of course and they stoped and looked at each other.They never really looked at each other at school because they hated each other Jughead:"god your so beautiful and brave" Cheryl:" when have you ever thought I was beautiful?" Jughead:" I always did and always will; Cheryl smiled and she didn't think he would say that they both got out of the pool and went to the roof and talked they laughed and then...         To be continued...

Five feet apart (Chughead)Where stories live. Discover now