Jealousy - Rachie

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"You aren't really such a big shot, are you?"
I asked it once again while looking at you
And again, I'm making sure I align
With your reflection in my eyes

"The things that you do, anyone can do too"
I said it once again while looking at you
It's not enough just to hold my hand
And so I've pulled you close again

Hold on, hold on
Don't just go on and leave me alone like you do
You keep stringing me along
Even though I know that you know I'm so in love with you

Please, give me, give me, give me
Give it to me baby
Baby, please just give me
Please don't keep it from me

You have a lot, hey don't you?
Share it with me won't you?
Just a bit's not cheating
Don't be so conceited

"Stop showing off to me, I know that you mean to"
I said it once again while looking at you
I don't like the smirk you have now and then
And so I've pulled you into my arms again

"Haha, hey, the things you do are funny...?"
You said it once again while staring at me
Guess you know, I don't wanna let you go
No matter what you tell me, so.

The more that I crave
The more that I cave whenever we talk it's true
Although I know deep inside that
That I won't ever get to sing the way that you do

Please, give me, give me, give me
Give it to me baby
Baby, please just give me
Please don't keep it from me

You're hiding it, hey aren't you?
Show it to me won't you?
Just a bit's not cheating
Don't be so conceited

The more I try to keep you in my reach
The further that you slip away from me
The more I learn about the girl you are
The angrier I am by far

Whenever I see you hurting or upset
I want to look the other way, and yet
Wasn't this all I ever wanted from the start?
So tell me why, why it breaks my heart?

Please, give me, give me, give me
Give it to me baby
Just pretend to give me
Then run away from me

But don't you tell me just yet
Don't you cover up yet
For now let me see it
Show me all your secrets
Hate me like you mean it
Don't be so conceited

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