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My ship the Shadow Speeder was passing by the planet called earth with my crew who were all watching some earth Anime called Full Metal Alchemist, since we stated to pass this planet they started to watch it instantly liking it, even though I may not talk or show emotion my team and I are like family, we are THE DEADLY 5..

My crew, which includes Sunwalker he is a medic and a scientist, we met one day when the war just broke out I was on my way to join the decepticons, when I was attacked and badly injured because a team of mechs decided to gang up on me they were part of the elite guard and they thought Femmes should not be that strong, but before they did permeant damage or ripped out my spark, Sun got in the way telling them to back off, he was higher class than all of us me being the lowest as I am a gladiator, they all backed of instantly because he was the son of primus but what surprised me was he fixed me up but what surprised me more was that we were able to communicate through telepathy, and that's when we got the message from the Unicorn him self " my nephew, ShadowWave, you guys will get a team together of people and help Megatron win the war" the thing is Unicorn isn't really bad he may be known as the Chaos bringer but that was because his brother Primus took all the credit for the good things and he was more favoured by the rest of the gods so Unicorn became evil but he was actually the one who gave me and soundwave our powers or in his case tentacles, we were hurting from the pain when he appeared in both our dreams and gave us the powers our sire started to create and he also saved my life one time when my carrier and sire beat me senseless and I almost died but he saved me. There on we came best friends and he joined my crew. Each member of the crew symbolises an animal and have the animal on there left shoulder, each of us have a special weapon or power, I have both, my weapon is my Shadow Sword, the Sword can cut through anything, I am The Guardian of the night The symbol of the bat. Sunwalker has a Bo Staff, he is the symbol of loyalty the dog.

The second Member we met was Wingstorm, The seeker of the group, The master of camouflage, cunnings and slyness, The Fox, with her Bow The SpeedChaser, it fires at incredible speed. We met one time when we were going through the streets of Kaon looking for more members for the decepticons or another person for my team, when we walked past Starscream's sister, she had the symbol of a fox on her shoulder plating and she was talking to a group of mechs, then as quick as she could her hand went into their pockets (they have pockets when there was no war on Cybertron in this just roll with it) and stole there cash once she was done she walked past but there realised quick enough I contacted her through our link and told her to get ready for a fight, sun, Storm and I all leaped into action all pulling out our weapons, we were all in sink, when out of no where they tried to shoot her but that's when I turned her into a shadow so it went straight through her into my arm, I of course didn't scream or show pain but through the telepathy bond there was a lot of cursing, the group was so scared they tried to run off because as soon as I was hurt both my brother Sounders and my best friend Megatron showed up but they didn't let them get away in fact they offlined them before you could say Scrap.

but they missed one, My team mates ran over quickly and started to tend to my shoulder not noticing the mech creeping open on them, and that's when we met DarkMist the symbol of pride and bravery the lion, she has a weapon that can turn into three different things a sword, a gun and guitar she jumped over us and stabbed the mech straight through the Spark. it turned out she heard me cursing through the telepathy and came to find the group, she happily joined.

The final one we met was one time we were having fun making massive explosions when a mech jumped out of no where and joined in. he was able to charge things with his hand and a few seconds after he lets go it goes BOOM. we were exploding up a autobot base when I realised he also had an animal symbol on his shoulder plating, so I tried contacting him through the Mind link and it worked. His name was Highjack a weapons and explosives expert and he loves making explosions.

My two mini-cons lover the team and when I told the rest of the deadly 5 about my past and how my sire and carrier treated me and still do expecting to get money, every day expecting me to live with nothing, they were furious but what I didn't expect that they would all storm my Parental units, Housing Unit and kill them, we all would do that for each other we are not just a team we are like a family. You would think I would feel sad or upset about my parental units being killed but I wasn't they finally got pay back and that day was the day I learnt how much my team cares for me even though we haven't known each other for long, and from that day on we were known as THE DEADLY 5, but no one knew our faces or what we looked like because if you did, well you would be UNALIVE (*Cue evil, the psychotic Laughter*). The only ones who knows our faces and are alive is My Twin, and our enemy BlazeSteel and her stupid team, we tried to kill Blaze's team but every time we come close they some how survive.

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