one- august 29th, 2014

Start from the beginning

Ed looks at the camera, shaking his head. He points to the phone and makes the talking gesture with his hand. He focuses his attention back on guitar box, closing it securely. He walks off and comes back holding sticky tape.

"Just get your stupid ass over here. I'm stupid? I swear I'm going to hit you over the head with a... I could so beat you in a fight. Just because your a giant doesn't mean I can't- oh please, you don't have any muscle to speak of."

Ed pauses. "Alright, see you in fifteen."

Ed hangs up, putting his mobile phone into his jean pocket. He removes the guitar from the chair and sits back down, a smirk on his face. "And that there was a conversation with the Harry Styles. I think I should probably finish up now, before the idiot comes over and ruins my video."

He laughs and waves awkwardly. "Until next time, I suppose."

Ed gets up and with one more wave at the camera, presses STOP.

video stops recording at 11:45:32, 29/08/2014


Wrapping the guitar had been a lot harder than Ed had expected, but as he looked at the blue-and-white patterned box sitting next to him in the passenger seat of the taxi, he thought it didn't look too shabby. Sure, a triangular piece of brown cardboard could be seen where Ed had finished the roll of wrapping paper, but it didn't look like a child had put it together either.

Liam's party was to be held at a club on the outskirts of London, unfortunately not a place that Ed could get to by walking. He was used to grabbing a taxi, especially since Harry was an extremely unreliable lift and usually rocked up half an hour late.

"Here we are, sir." The cabby said. "That'll be seven pounds."

Ed fished a ten pound note out of back pocket, handing it over to him with a smile. "Keep the change."

Carefully grabbing onto the present, Ed got out of the taxi, quickly checking for his phone. He closed the door of the taxi, and walked up to the only building that resembled a club. A bouncer stood at the door, lazily taking drags out of a cigarette.

"Name?" The bouncer grunted, grabbing a clipboard and a pen.

"Ed Sheeran." He said, then grabbed his library card out of his pocket, the only form of I.D. that he had on him. "See?"

The bouncer looked at him with a raised eyebrow, before waving him in, quickly returning to his cigarette. Ed shivered at the smell, feeling some old remnants of the nicotine cravings he had managed to fight off a couple of months ago.

The music was the first thing that hit him, then the bright flashing lights. He stood there, stunned, before he could actually move. There were already around fifty people in the room, some of them already dancing to the beat created by the DJ in the corner. Ed looked around, hoping to see Liam, or at least Harry.

He finally saw Liam, standing by the bar with a girl on his arm, one that Ed hadn't seen before. She was a littler shorter than him, with straightened brown hair (it could have been another colour but it was hard to see with the flashing lights) and a striking dark purple dress. Ed started to smile when he saw the looks that Liam and the girl shared, and he headed over, wrapped guitar box in hand.

Liam saw him, and started waving happily, a grin on his face. The girl's eyes widened a little and flickered over to something or someone at the opposite end of the room. Ed smiled too, already feeling hot under the pulsating lights.

"Ed!" Liam yelled, letting go of the girl and giving Ed a clap on the back. "Glad you made it!"

"Harry's got the card." Ed replied, handing him the present. "It's from the both of us, but I did all the hard work."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2014 ⏰

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